“We anticipate more investments in quantum use cases,” according to Olivier Tonneau

2024-08-02 09:00:00

L’Usine Nouvelle – After an initial fund of 91 million euros, you are launching one twice as big. What is your objective?
Olivier Tonneau – Quantonation II will be divided into two: an envelope of 100 million euros to finance investment in 25 start-ups, as Quantonation Y did, and a second identical one which will support the growth of the four or five best companies in the portfolio.

This is in addition to funding to create venture studios in Canada, Italy, Asia-Pacific, Australia and France, to support the creation of start-ups.

How has the quantum ecosystem evolved since Quantonation Y?

Quantonation Y was very hardware-focused, like Pasqal, Quandela and Quobly in France, Nord Quantique in Canada or Orca Computing in the UK. It corresponded to a stage of the industry: you had to create the quantum processors. We expect to see less investment in quantum platforms with the new fund, because there are fewer technological avenues to explore.

What will be the target of your investments?

As machines become more powerful and reliable, we anticipate more investment in algorithms and software, in use cases and in the use of machines. There is also a topic on enabling technologies [qui permettent de fabriquer ou d’améliorer les calculateurs quantiques, ndlr]such as control electronics, dilution refrigerators and lasers, which can still gain in power and reliability.

You are reading an article from L’Usine Nouvelle 3732-3733 – July-August 2024
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