Nouns Dota 2 Roster Rumors: Potential Team Changes and New Lineup Updates

2023-11-11 07:29:00

Caster Alexey STORM Tumanov said that 9Pandas players Roman RAMZES666 Kushnaryov and Gleb kiyotaka Zyryanov can join the Dota 2 nouns roster. Tumanov wrote about this on Telegram, nothing is officially known about such changes.

According to the caster, the team can also be represented by Nico Gunnar Lopez and Rodrigo Lelis Lelis Santos, who played for nouns last season. In addition, Tal Fly Aizik is expected to join the team.

Published preserving the spelling and punctuation of the source

Before going to bed, the rustling Internet space came across the theoretical roster of the North American team Nouns:

1. Rameses
2. Kiyotaka
3. Gunnar
4. Lelis
5. Fly

It might sound crazy, but Gunnar trains hard on the offlane and I don’t think he would change his position in order to play on the same team with some default mid player. Ramses + Fly are on good terms after EG and I think I wouldn’t mind playing together again.
For Ramses and Kiotaka in Eastern Europe there are not many options; there is nowhere to fly into a ready strong team under an orga, unless you go under some bookmaker and look for position 3, position 4 and position 5.
So this theory is not without meaning.

On November 6, nouns announced the dissolution of their roster, which took 7-8th place at The International 2023. The club has not yet presented a new roster. Earlier there were rumors that RAMZES666, kiyotaka and Matvey MieRo Vasyunin would leave 9Pandas.

Possible composition of nouns:

#RAMZES666 #kiyotaka #nouns

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