Notices arrive this Wednesday, August 28… Increase, calendar… Everything you need to know

Are you one of the approximately 33 million owners (57.2% of households in 2023) of a house or apartment? You must therefore pay a property tax on built properties (TFPB), except in cases of total or partial exemption based on age or income. In the event of a sale during the year, it is the owner on January 1 who must pay the amount.

2 When do we receive the property tax notice?

It is this Wednesday, August 28 that the property tax notice is posted online and an email from the tax services drops into your mailbox to notify you of it. If you receive it on paper, it may arrive in your mailbox up until September 20.

If you pay monthly, you must wait until September 20 for the online notice, and between September 23 and October 9 by post.

3 What is the average increase this year?

Since the abolition of the housing tax, the property tax is the only tax remaining in the hands of the communities. But it is the cadastral rental value that serves as the calculation basis for everyone, regardless of where one is the owner. And this has been revalued for 2024 by +3.9%. Hence a systematic increase, for all taxpayers, to which can be added the one decided by each community.

Last year, the tax paid by property owners had seen its biggest increase in thirty-six years, with +52%, a record, in Paris, +25% in Grenoble, or +11.6% in Bordeaux. This year, it is Nice that wins the prize for the surge, with a rate that climbs by 19.2%, indicates RTLnow exceeding 35%. Villeurbanne, with +10%, or Annecy, with +14%, also recorded notable increases. But most of the large cities chose not to add anything to the minimum increase of 3.9%. This is the case for Bordeaux and some municipalities in its agglomeration (Pessac, Mérignac, Talence, etc.), Angoulême, La Rochelle, or Pau. Bayonne or Anglet opted for an additional +3%.

On average, explains the barometer of the Finance and Local Strategies (FSL) firm, the rates of housing tax and property taxes in towns with more than 100,000 inhabitants are growing this year by +1.2%. The good news is that with inflation having fallen in 2024, rates for 2025 should reach more moderate amounts.

4 Until when can we pay the bill?

It all depends on the payment method you choose and the amount of your tax. The deadline is October 15, but an extension until October 20 is granted in the case of online payment. It is possible to pay by bank transfer, check, or even in cash at a tobacconist, but only up to 300 euros. Beyond that, only online payment is possible.



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