Notice!If you don’t want to speed up brain aging, change these habits quickly | Eating Habits | NTDTV Online

Aging is a problem that everyone faces as they age.ourbrainThe same is true. The brain needs to work non-stop every day, sometimes even overloaded. Coupled with the stimulation of some diseases, bad living habits, mental stress and other factors, aging seems to be imminent.

The Journal of the American Medical Association once published an article stating that humanbrainAging begins around the age of 30, brain function begins to decline at the age of 40, and shrinks at a rate of 15% every year following the age of 60. Is it scary? When we still think we are young and young, the brain has begun to slowly age.

When the skin is old, wrinkles and age spots will grow, and we can see it; when the hair is old, it will gradually turn white, and we can also see it; but when the brain is old and atrophied, we cannot see it directly! And this is the most important thing, protecting the brain is an important thing regarding life and breathing.

Aging is a problem that everyone faces as they age. (Shutterstock)

1. Partial heart disease

Heart failure, atrial fibrillation and other heart diseases, due to weak or incomplete cardiac systole, will reduce the blood discharged from the heart, thereby affecting the blood supply to the brain, making the brain in a state of ischemia and hypoxia for a long time. Severe cases can lead to stroke or even death.

2. Intestinal damage

The gut is closely related to the brain, and if the gut is damaged, insufficient production of these two neurotransmitters can lead to stressful brain disease, acceleratedbrain aging

3、eating habitsbad

Big fish and big meat: Big fish and big meat are considered to be the main culprits of the three highs and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The content of saturated fatty acids in animal fats and oils is high, and long-term excessive consumption may increase the risk of atherosclerosis and affect the blood supply to the brain. Studies have shown that people with higher blood cholesterol levels have a 3 to 5 times higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s than ordinary people.

Excessive intake of sugar for a long time can cause disturbance and decrease of insulin secretion. (Shutterstock)

too sweet: Excessive intake of sugar for a long time can cause disorder and decrease of insulin secretion. At this time, the brain neurons cannot use glucose well, and it is easy to damage the brain cells. Sugar can also increase uric acid and bad cholesterol in the human body, increase the risk of high blood pressure, and increase the risk of stroke and heart disease.

too salty: A high-sodium diet can interfere with vascular endothelial cells receiving signals and hinder cerebral vasodilation. In the long term, it is easy to induce high blood pressure, cause chronic hypoxia and ischemia in the brain, and accelerate the atrophy of the cerebral cortex.

less staple food: The carbohydrates in the staple food can provide the necessary glucose for the brain. If you eat too little of the staple food, the brain will not get enough glucose, and the brain cells will be more easily damaged.

4. Long-term staying up late or insomnia

Often staying up late or insomnia is equivalent to the fact that the brain is still working to produce “garbage”, and the cleaning ability of the cerebrospinal fluid is not as good as that of sleep, which will easily increase the risk of brain decline over time. Chronic insomnia can also lead to increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, elevated blood sugar, or anxiety and depression.

5. Do things the same way

As people get older, they have experience in many things, and they are always used to accomplishing these things in the most familiar way. However, if life is kept in this way for a long time, it is easy for the brain to lose the opportunity to accept challenges and try new things, which is not conducive to maintaining good cognitive function and accelerates brain degeneration.

How to slow down brain aging

1. to develop healthyeating habits

egg:Eggs are rich in high-quality protein and various micronutrients. Egg yolks are rich in lecithin, sterols, lecithin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, vitamin D and B vitamins, which are of great benefit to improving the function of the nervous system. Therefore, eggs are also a good brain food.

Other foods rich in lecithin are: soybeans, peanuts, etc.

fish:Fish is the best source of brain nourishment. DHA contained in fish is a substance called “brain gold”.

blueberry:Blueberries are a type of berry. Most people know that one of the benefits of blueberries is their antioxidant properties. But scientific research suggests that blueberries may also have great brain benefits, improving memory and boosting mood.

Walnut:Walnuts are the first choice of brain food. Walnut is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, and its n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content is extremely rich, which is an important part of the formation of brain cell membrane phospholipids. With antioxidant properties, adequate intake is beneficial to brain health. Walnuts also contain a variety of trace elements such as calcium and iron that are necessary for the human body.

Green vegetables:Green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and lettuce are brain-healthy vegetables. Spinach is rich in vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, and is one of the “best suppliers” for brain cell metabolism.

Maintain a regular bedtime and wake-up time. (Shutterstock)

2. Healthy sleep

Not being able to fall asleep definitely feels bad, but learn to relax. Maintain a regular bedtime and wake-up time. Do not stay up late, relieve brain fatigue, and provide sufficient nutritional support for the brain.

3. Insist on exercising

When you hear the phrase “train your brain,” you probably think of lifting weights. It turns out that physical activity is one of the best things you can do for your body and brain. Exercise can provide more blood to the brain, which helps to keep the cognitive function of the brain active and slow down memory loss.

4. Do not drink or smoke

Drinking alcohol can damage the central nervous system, causing unresponsiveness and memory loss. Do not drink, smoke, in order to reduce the possibility of cardiovascular disease. To delay brain aging, control blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol, and maintain a healthy weight.

5. Participate in social activities

Social activities can help you meet new people and strengthen relationships. Positive social relationships can stimulate the brain effectively, so take part in more social activities.

Regular meditation can calm the mind and body, prevent disease, and improve health. (pixabay)

6. In a daze

Long-term exposure to high pressure can cause encephalopathy to release substances such as free radicals and stress hormones that are harmful to brain cells. Research has found that daze can make our tensed brain nerves get active rest. Stress is the “toxin” accumulated in the brain. Maintaining brain power requires relieving stress. Regular meditation can calm the mind and body, prevent disease, and improve health.

Therefore, we must learn to regulate our emotions, such as daze, meditation, listening to music and other ways to relax the body.

7. Always move your fingers

Brain scientists believe that fingers account for the largest proportion of sensory and motor functions in the cerebral cortex. You can often move your fingers to stimulate the brain, such as rolling a fitness ball, painting, writing, carving, etc., which can prevent brain aging and improve memory and thinking ability.

(Editor in charge: Li Hong)

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