In the last few hours there has been much criticism of the China Suarez because he got together with Rusherking in a hotel and left her children alone. Faced with criticism, the actress came out to defend herself and this Thursday, Cora Debarbieri revealed in the middle of the “In the followingnoon” program the real reason China and Benjamin split up.
“Benjamin said ‘we have a way of communicating’ and lately that way would be through lawyers. The last tweet that China uploaded annoyed and much, more than anything because of the quotes in the word ‘work’”, assured the journalist of in the followingnoon.
“Benjamin traveled less than ten days ago. The first part had to do with a work trip that he is considering, a new challenge that has him very excited and the rest of the days, which were four or five days, he went to the beach with his girlfriend”, he asserted.
“When she puts ‘when the father can have it sometime’, she evidently has two ex-partners. On the one hand, Nicholas Cabre, and on the other, Benjamín Vicuña. You read this message that he posted and he is saying it directly to Benjamín Vicuña”, said the panelist.
“In fact, the reason for China’s separation from Benjamin is that he spent a lot of time outside working. It was a reason for separation”, he pointed out, forceful while his partner, Débora D’Amato went out to the intersection.
To conclude on the subject, he added: “China is questioned regarding everything. When she wanted to ‘go to perform’ outside, she went with her children. But when he ‘realizes’, he goes alone and the one who stays with the children it is her”.
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