“Nothing, Volynkina, you will trample on”: the son of the Queen was married to a Japanese bride

Lyudmila Fokanova

2 hours ago

Natasha Koroleva and Arkhip Glushko

The heir of Natasha Koroleva and Sergei Glushko is now in Japan. According to the singer, her child is studying the language and culture of this country there. However, information appeared that the personal life of the star heir could take an unexpected turn abroad.

The well-known blogger Lena Miro shared her vision of the situation in the star family in her personal microblog on LiveJournal. She agrees with the performer of the hit “Yellow Tulips” that her lover, the former stripper Melissa Volynkina, would only interfere with the guy’s studies. Like, that’s why the guy didn’t take the girl with him.

In addition, the artist recently stated that the guy is only 20 years old, and “everything is possible” in his life. Miro believes that the Queen would be happy to get rid of her son’s current passion. “Well, nothing, Volynkina, you will trample,” the blogger said. The secular columnist suggested that the pop star would not be upset at all if Arkhip found a Japanese bride.

Earlier it became known that Melissa recorded a touching congratulations to the groom, who recently celebrated another birthday. But the son of Natasha Koroleva did not answer him.

Recall that Arkhip began dating Volynkina three years ago. The Queen and her husband did not like the fact that the girl earns a living by private dancing. At the end of 2022, they began to say that the star heir proposed to the chosen one. Melissa then showed off the ring. Some believe that Natasha Koroleva then decided to become more active and separate her son from the stripper.

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Note that the Russians often joke about the appearance of Arkhip’s girl. Family fans laughed that Melissa was missing a couple of teeth and her smile was driving the audience crazy.

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