“Nothing of importance” – The Time

Two days of research to find useful clues, starting with the murder weapon. The searches ordered by the Bergamo prosecutor’s office at the site of Sharon Verzeni’s murder and in the surrounding streets in Terno d’Isola have ended, combed with metal detectors by volunteers from Mu.Re., the museum recovering 1915-1918 Alto Garda Bresciano. From the two days of activity – as far as we know – nothing particularly relevant to the investigation into the murder of the 33-year-old emerged.

The Mu.Re. volunteers, accustomed to ‘hunting’ for relics from the Great War, in Terno had the objective of finding “further clues useful for the continuation of the investigation”, starting with the knife with which Verzeni was killed. To search for it, yesterday they searched 120 manholes on Via Castegnate, where the woman was stabbed to death on the night between July 29 and 30, the streets that intersect it, Piazza VII Martiri in the center of the town and then the Buliga stream and the park on Via Rota, where the killer may have passed during his escape. Today the search team led by Paolo Campanardi, known as ‘Gibba’, protagonist of the DMax series ‘Metal Detective’, searched the entire area around the house on Via Merelli, under seizure since the day of the murder, where Verzeni had been living for three years with her partner Sergio Ruocco.

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For the two days of activities, conducted by the Carabinieri of the Bergamo provincial command in collaboration with the municipal administration, the lawyer of the Verzeni family Luigi Scudieri thanked with a note «the citizens, the mayor of Terno d’Isola and the volunteers of Mu.Re for the collaboration provided in these hours, aimed at allowing investigators to carry out appropriate investigations at the crime scene». The searches are stopped for now, they will resume if necessary.

“Sharon’s vile murderer must know that no obstacle will ever stop his identification”, is the message sent by the lawyer of Sharon Verzeni’s family, Luigi Scudieri, in a note of thanks to “the citizens, the mayor of Termo d’Isola and the volunteers of Mu.Re for the collaboration provided in these hours aimed at allowing investigators to carry out appropriate investigations at the crime scene”.

Sharon Verzeni, the criminologist Bruzzone: what is the key to solving the case

#importance #Time
2024-08-31 03:06:08



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