Notable Events of September 11, 2024: An In-Depth Recap by Vademecum Magazine


#1 The Supreme Court considers it possible to conduct a treasury audit of private and public clinics on the expenditure of compulsory medical insurance funds. And although the Federal Treasury and its bodies are mainly authorized to check expenses made at the expense of the federal budget and targeted subsidies of budgetary systems, in some cases auditors have the right to check the compliance with the intended purpose of the expenditure of extra-budgetary funds from the compulsory medical insurance system, decided the judges from the Supreme Court panel for economic disputes. The legal proceedings, which reached the highest court, were initiated by the Tomsk clinic of the CSM-Santal network, which received insurance funds in 2020-2021 as additional financial assistance from the Government of the Russian Federation.

#2 The Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (AIPM) has submitted a negative response to the draft government resolution prepared by the Russian Ministry of Finance, which extends the “second odd man out” mechanism to state purchases of medicines. The “second odd man out” rule assumes that proposals from foreign companies will be ignored if at least one application has been submitted by a Russian manufacturer or a resident of the EAEU. The AIPM fears that the use of this mechanism will cause a shortage and shortage of a number of drugs, and will also lead to an increase in their prices and monopolization of the market.


The funding for the program to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases in 2027 may increase to 43.83 billion rubles, said Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Alexey Vovchenko. This amount is one and a half times higher than the specialized expenses of the Social Fund of Russia in 2024 (28.6 billion rubles). In 2025, it is planned to allocate up to 35.5 billion rubles for preventive measures, in 2026 – 39.99 billion rubles.


Saratov Region Governor Roman Busargin has approved Vladimir Dudakov as the region’s Minister of Health. Dudakov has been acting head of the department since June 2024. He replaced Oleg Kostin, who had headed the ministry since 2020 and left the position of his own accord.


• The Leninsky District Court of Ivanovo sentenced the former head of the regional Department of Health, Anton Fokin, and his deputy, Aleksey Buyankin. The former officials were found guilty under Part 3 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (embezzlement using official position) and Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, on an especially large scale) for the supply of medical equipment to state clinics in the Ivanovo Region at a knowingly inflated price. Fokin received a three-year suspended sentence, Buyankin – two.

• The court has seized the property of the former chief narcologist of the Russian Ministry of Health, Yevgeny Bryun, the former head of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology, Sergei Koporov, and the former vice-president of the Russian Narcological League, Vladimir Yakushev, accused of fraud in the purchase of reagents and equipment for testing drivers for chronic alcoholism. According to the investigation, the possible damage from the actions imputed to the defendants is 138 million rubles. The court decision was made to possibly secure a future sentence for the collection of a fine and a civil claim.


Volgograd State Medical University (VolGMU) has announced a tender with a starting price of 725.18 million for the overhaul of the buildings of the Volgograd Orthopedic Center and City Hospital No. 3, included in the system of comprehensive rehabilitation of SVO participants and people with disabilities. Volgograd Region Governor Andrey Bocharov announced the organization of the rehabilitation program in June 2024. At the same time, the head of the region announced his intention to involve VolGMU in this work. The commissioning of the hospital and orthopedic center is scheduled for 2026.

Other news:

Top manager of Tomsk clinic “Sante” received 1 year in prison for embezzlement of compulsory medical insurance funds

An additional 111.8 million rubles will be allocated for the implementation of the state program “Healthcare in the Moscow Region”

Sechenov University and Jakarta Global University agree on cooperation

US insurers to tighten rules for covering mental health care costs

– What recent legal rulings‍ have affected treasury audits in the⁢ Russian healthcare system?​

Russian Healthcare ⁢System: Recent Developments and Updates

The Russian healthcare ⁣system has witnessed significant developments and updates in recent times. ⁣From the Supreme ⁣Court’s decision on treasury audits to the Ministry of Finance’s draft ‌resolution on state purchases of medicines, and from funding increases for ⁤occupational disease prevention to new appointments in regional health ministries, there’s been a lot happening in the sector. In‌ this article, we’ll delve into the latest news and updates from ‌the Russian healthcare system.

Treasury Audit of Private⁤ and Public Clinics

In a significant development, the Supreme Court has ruled that treasury audits of private and public clinics are possible to ensure the proper expenditure of compulsory medical insurance funds.⁤ This decision came in response to a legal challenge filed by the Tomsk clinic‌ of the CSM-Santal network, which had ⁤received insurance funds as⁣ additional financial assistance from the Government of ⁢Russia in 2020-2021. The court’s ruling has⁤ implications for the healthcare sector, as it ensures that clinics are held accountable for the use of public funds.

“Second Odd Man Out” Mechanism for State Purchases of Medicines

The Association⁤ of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (AIPM) has expressed concerns over the Ministry of Finance’s draft resolution, which extends‍ the ⁣”second odd⁢ man out” mechanism to state purchases of medicines. This mechanism dictates that proposals from foreign companies will be ignored if at least one application has‍ been submitted by a‌ Russian manufacturer or a resident of ‍the EAEU. The AIPM fears that ‍this mechanism will lead to a shortage of ​medicines,⁢ increase‌ prices, and promote monopolization of the‌ market.

Increase in Funding for Occupational Disease Prevention

The Russian government has announced plans​ to increase funding for the ⁤program to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases. According to Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection, Alexey Vovchenko, the⁢ funding for​ this program is expected to increase to 43.83 billion ‌rubles in 2027, ⁣which is a significant jump from ⁢the ⁢28.6 billion rubles allocated in 2024. This⁤ increase in funding is likely to improve the efforts to prevent occupational diseases and ensure a healthier workforce.

New Appointment in Saratov Region Ministry of Health

Saratov Region Governor, Roman⁤ Busargin, has approved Vladimir Dudakov as the​ region’s Minister of Health. Dudakov had been acting head of the department⁣ since June 2024, replacing Oleg Kostin,​ who had headed the ministry⁣ since 2020.

Litigation Updates

Two former health officials, Anton Fokin and Aleksey Buyankin, have been‌ sentenced by the Leninsky​ District Court of Ivanovo for embezzlement and fraud in the⁤ supply of medical equipment to state clinics. Fokin received a​ three-year suspended sentence, while Buyankin received a two-year sentence. ⁣In​ another‌ case, ⁣the court has seized the property of three ⁣former health officials, including the former chief narcologist‌ of the Russian Ministry ‍of ⁤Health, Yevgeny Bryun, accused of fraud in the purchase of reagents and equipment for testing drivers for chronic alcoholism.

Infrastructure ​Development

Volgograd State Medical University (VolGMU) has announced a tender for the overhaul of the buildings of the Volgograd Orthopedic Center and City Hospital No. 3, ​which are part of⁢ the comprehensive rehabilitation program ‍for SVO participants and ⁢people with disabilities. The starting price of the tender is⁣ 725.18 million rubles. This development is part of the broader efforts to improve the ‍country’s healthcare infrastructure.

the Russian healthcare system has witnessed significant developments in recent times, ranging from treasury audits to new appointments and infrastructure development. These updates demonstrate ​the government’s ‍efforts to improve the healthcare sector, prevent occupational diseases, and promote transparency and accountability in the use of public funds.

What are the recent developments in the Russian healthcare industry related to treasury audits and pharmaceutical regulations?

Russian Healthcare Industry: Recent Developments and Updates

The Russian healthcare industry has witnessed significant developments in recent times, with various stakeholders, including government bodies, private clinics, pharmaceutical companies, and regulators, playing important roles in shaping the sector’s future. This article provides an overview of the recent updates and developments in the Russian healthcare industry, covering topics such as treasury audits, pharmaceutical regulations, funding for preventive measures, career changes, litigation, and infrastructure development.

Treasury Audits: Supreme Court Clears the Way

In a significant development, the Russian Supreme Court has ruled that it is possible to conduct treasury audits of private and public clinics on the expenditure of compulsory medical insurance funds. This decision was made in a case involving the Tomsk clinic of the CSM-Santal network, which had received insurance funds in 2020-2021 as additional financial assistance from the Russian government. The ruling has far-reaching implications, as it enables auditors to check the compliance with the intended purpose of the expenditure of extra-budgetary funds from the compulsory medical insurance system.

Pharmaceutical Regulations: AIPM Raises Concerns

The Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (AIPM) has expressed concerns over the draft government resolution prepared by the Russian Ministry of Finance, which extends the “second odd man out” mechanism to state purchases of medicines. The mechanism assumes that proposals from foreign companies will be ignored if at least one application has been submitted by a Russian manufacturer or a resident of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). AIPM fears that the use of this mechanism will lead to a shortage and shortage of certain drugs, as well as an increase in their prices and monopolization of the market.

Regulators: Funding for Preventive Measures

The Russian government has announced plans to increase funding for the program to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases in 2027 to 43.83 billion rubles, a significant increase from the 28.6 billion rubles allocated in 2024. The funding is expected to rise to 35.5 billion rubles in 2025 and 39.99 billion rubles in 2026. This increased funding will enable the government to launch more preventive measures to reduce the incidence of industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

Career Changes: New Minister of Health in Saratov Region

Vladimir Dudakov has been approved as the new Minister of Health in the Saratov Region, replacing Oleg Kostin, who had headed the ministry since 2020. Dudakov has been acting head of the department since June 2024 and is expected to bring about positive changes in the region’s healthcare sector.

Litigation: Former Health Officials Face Sentences

The Leninsky District Court of Ivanovo has sentenced former health officials, Anton Fokin and Aleksey Buyankin, to three-year and two-year suspended sentences, respectively, for embezzlement and fraud related to the supply of medical equipment to state clinics in the Ivanovo Region at a knowingly inflated price. In another case, the court has seized the property of former health officials, including the former chief narcologist of the Russian Ministry of Health, Yevgeny Bryun, accused of fraud in the purchase of reagents and equipment for testing drivers for chronic alcoholism.

Infrastructure Development: Volgograd State Medical University

Volgograd State Medical University (VolGMU) has announced a tender with a starting price of 725.18 million rubles for the overhaul of the buildings of the Volgograd Orthopedic Center and City Hospital No. 3, which are part of the comprehensive rehabilitation program for participants of the Special Military Operation (SVO) and people with disabilities. The program was announced by Volgograd Region Governor Andrey Bocharov in June 2024.

In conclusion



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