Not yet 1 wealth tax: Austria already has 6 | ÖHV

2023-11-13 17:23:20

If the budget of an SPÖ social minister had increased by 18%, the AK would celebrate him. So it ruins the atmosphere at the location.

Vienna (OTS) With property tax, property transfer tax, capital gains tax, insurance tax, rental and leasing tax and real estate income tax, the country has more wealth taxes than the average Austrian knows: “And rising real estate prices mean that income decreases year after year “climb to the top,” ÖHV President Walter Veit rejects the Chamber of Labor’s repeated request for even more wealth taxes.

Social budget increases by 18%

In order to get there, the AK shifts the discourse and portrays Austria as a poorhouse – against its better judgment: “A false picture is being painted just to justify expropriation plans. Ideological lenses should never be a justification for even more taxes,” Veit affirms the unconditional yes to the welfare state as well as the clear no to the AK expropriation fantasies and refers to the Social Affairs Minister’s budget, which will increase by 17.8% in 2024. “You can’t pretend that the social funds are empty. If the AK wants more fairness, it has to ensure that employees receive more net of the gross. This is the best relief for the social system!”

ÖHV: Cost of living bonus now instead of wealth tax castles in the air

Tourism businesses in good locations would have to pay the most due to rising real estate taxes in addition to the additional costs for wages, energy, purchasing goods and interest, but also sustainability: “A company is not a dream concert,” Veit calls for a different approach: “We companies transfer more salary “, the finance minister is reducing the wage tax, employees benefit from a Monday salary more, gross for net,” the employer spokesman advocates for the cost-of-living bonus, which everyone feels immediately, instead of wealth tax castles in the air.

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Martin Stanits
Head of Public Affairs | Company spokesperson
T: +43 664 516 08 31

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