Not only sneezing or hives, but also confusion or restlessness can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction / Day

2023-04-25 17:25:00

“It is true that spring, the time of flowering and pollen, really creates an influx of patients who need anti-allergy drugs in pharmacies,” says pharmacist Ieva Turonoka of “Mēnes Aptiekas”. “But the allergic manifestations, as well as the triggers of these reactions, are many and varied, as are the medications that control the allergic reactions and the prevention recommendations to avoid unwanted symptoms as much as possible.”

Let’s review the most common allergic reactions, from less dangerous and more common to anaphylaxis, which can be fatal if not treated in time.

Runny nose or stuffy nose

“If your nose is runny or stuffy a few minutes following walking outside or visiting a stranger’s house, it might be allergic rhinitis – a reaction to tiny particles in the air you breathe. The most common causes are mold spores, pollen, detergents and cleaning products. These problems are usually well managed with simple over-the-counter medications. Useful, for example, is a nasal spray containing the active substance Fluticasone propiona, or medicine in the form of tablets, as the active substance is, for example, Cetirizini dihydrochloride, Loratadinum.

If a runny nose appears regarding an hour following taking a new medicine, it can be a serious warning of an allergy to the medicine. In such cases, you should definitely contact your doctor, as well as keep in mind the name of the active substance or preparation that caused this reaction. It will come in handy in cases where a doctor or medical worker asks before an operation or any manipulation: are you allergic to any medication?


Sneezing, unless you’re allergic and only sneeze infrequently, doesn’t seem like too much of a problem. It is different if sneezing regularly prevents you from sleeping or affects your work, if you are a teacher or a representative of another profession that has to work with an audience. Various over-the-counter and prescription remedies can be used to control the symptom. The pharmacist says: “In such cases, an allergist will be able to help best and most precisely. Among the over-the-counter medications, a nasal spray containing the active ingredient Fluticasone propione can help with troublesome sneezing. Therapy should be long-term and regular.

“It should be noted that sneezing as a symptom can also be an early sign of a severe allergy, for example, to a food product or food ingredient. Sneezing can quickly turn into more serious symptoms and the next time you eat this product, you may not sneeze but have a more severe reaction that may require you to seek medical attention.”

Itchy, watery eyes

Itchy and watery eyes can be caused by many factors, including a reaction to spring pollen. But it might also be something more serious, such as an allergy to medicine. “Keep this in mind when starting a new medication! The reaction may appear immediately, a few days or even a week later.

The unpleasant symptom can be dealt with by using an over-the-counter remedy. They can be taken orally or topically. For example, there is a gel that can be applied to the skin (containing the active substance Dimetindeni maleas or Diphenhydramini hydrochloridum), tablets containing the active substance Quifenadini hydrochloridum can be taken orally, choosing an age-appropriate dose. You can buy eye drops containing Azelastini hydrochloridum without a prescription. They can also be helpful,” explains the pharmacist.

Itchy ears or mouth

Sudden itching in unusual places soon following eating a food you haven’t eaten before can be a sign of an allergic reaction. While itchy ears don’t seem like a dangerous symptom, it might be an early sign that you need to be careful with this product.

“If you are allergic to a group of products, you should always have an anti-allergy medication (such as one containing Cetirizine dihydrochloride) in your bag to be safe.

Changes in breathing

Changes in breathing may indicate a severe allergic reaction to food or medicine. It can be manifested by sudden wheezing, there can also be a feeling that it is impossible to take a deep breath or, on the contrary, to exhale completely. “If breathing is difficult for no apparent reason, emergency medical help should be called immediately. It might be a sign of anaphylaxis – a severe allergic reaction,” warns the pharmacist.


Raised, red, itchy patches of skin can look quite scary. This is called hives and they appear suddenly on the skin. The causes can be allergies to drugs, chemicals, food, or almost anything else. “Hives in themselves are not serious, but if this symptom occurs along with swollen lips or wheezing, it should be taken as a warning of a serious allergic reaction and seek medical attention.

In case of mild urticaria, second-generation antihistamines will help, which you can ask the pharmacist.”


The rash may be itchy, painful, hot, bumpy, or watery, like a blister. They often appear as an allergic reaction to pet dander, chemicals, food, medicine or cosmetics. A mild rash may clear up quickly with treatment or avoidance of the trigger. But it can also be an early sign of anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that can be life-threatening.

“The sudden appearance of a rash is a serious reason to contact your doctor or pharmacist (in big cities there are on-call pharmacies where a pharmacist and medication are available around the clock). Medicines containing the active ingredient Quifenadini hydrochloridum are usually used to reduce this symptom, or, following consultation with the attending physician, a stronger antihistamine.”

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

If the stomach reacts strongly immediately following or during a meal, this may indicate an allergy. Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain are the first signs of an allergy and the condition can worsen quickly. “These can also be signs of anaphylaxis, so it’s important not to confuse them with an upset stomach. In such cases, you should contact a doctor, emergency medical help, or call the family doctor’s hotline 66016001.

Difficulty breathing

Chest pain and difficulty breathing, a feeling that the throat is swollen or something is stuck there is a sign of a severe food allergy. If the following symptoms appear, seek medical attention immediately.

Swollen tongue or lips

If the mouth, lips or tongue swell for no apparent reason, this may be angioedema, a sign of an allergic reaction. It’s not always serious, but if the swelling makes it difficult to breathe, it can be life-threatening. If your lips or tongue become swollen once more, let your doctor know so that the cause can be determined and appropriate prevention or treatment can be provided.

Leather redness

Food allergies can cause redness around the mouth and eyes. “If the skin is red immediately following contact with an allergen, it may mean that the allergy is severe. In this case, you should seek immediate medical attention. Don’t wait for the redness to go away!”

Confusion or restlessness

Confusion, confusion, or restlessness can also be signs of a severe food allergy. How does an allergic reaction cause these feelings? Doctors think it is due to a sudden drop in blood pressure. If you notice this symptom in yourself or someone else, seek medical help immediately!

Low blood pressure

A sudden drop in blood pressure causes a feeling of dizziness before fainting. There may be a feeling of weakness, confusion. This should be taken seriously because if the blood pressure drops too low, it can be life-threatening.


This sudden, severe allergic reaction can be fatal if not treated immediately. “You may not even know you have a particular allergy until anaphylaxis occurs. Signs include difficulty breathing, pale or blue skin, hives, itching, vomiting or anxiety. Symptoms can begin within minutes of exposure to the allergen.

Anaphylaxis can be caused by an allergy to certain foods, medicines, insect bites or, for example, latex gloves. “If there is even the slightest sign, suspicion that a severe allergic reaction may develop, visit an allergist to find out what is causing it. You may be able to avoid the allergen in the future and prevent this serious symptom.

If you have such an allergic reaction, you should always have a special remedy on hand, which is usually injectable, and therefore prescribed by a doctor. For example, injectable drugs with the active ingredient Epinephrinum are used as an emergency treatment for severe allergic reactions. It can be caused by insect stings or bites, a food, medicine or other allergen. It is also used for the emergency treatment of idiopathic anaphylaxis (when its cause cannot be identified) or anaphylaxis caused by physical exertion,” explains pharmacist Ieva Turonoka.

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