not all bacteria are bad

2023-07-02 20:37:48

Certain microorganisms reside in areas of the skin and, in return, they protect it from external threats. This group is known as the microbiota and taking care of it is fundamental to having healthy skin.

Last update : July 02, 2023

When talking about bacteria, viruses or parasites, it is common to be alarmed and expect something negative. However, some of these micro-organisms reside in the outer layers of the skin and provide it with protection. Find out how to take care of the skin’s microbiota and what happens in the event of an imbalance.

What is the skin microbiota and how to take care of it?

Despite its negative connotation, not all bacteria are bad. There is a group of them, as well as viruses, parasites and fungi, which colonize parts of the human body from birth. It is known as microbiota and it is estimated to be made up of more than 100 trillion microorganisms.

In the interaction with host cells, microorganisms coexist in symbiosis, i.e. that they favor each other for their development. In general, these bacteria perform protective functions, in addition to producing vitamins and collaborating in the digestive process. In exchange, they receive a place to be.

There are three main types of microbiota depending on the sector they occupy:

intestinal. They colonize the gastrointestinal tract and help with nutrition, protection and digestion. Some bacteria are indigenous and others proliferate from ingesting food.
vaginal. Fundamental for hormonal balance and to protect women’s intimate area against pathogenic microorganisms.
cutaneous. Protective function from other threatening external microorganisms. It is divided into groups which reside in the armpit and between the fingers; on the arms and legs and on the face.

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The skin microbiota

Also called skin flora, it designates all the bacteria, fungi, parasites and other micro-organisms that reside on the skin. They form a complex symbiotic ecosystem, with which they function as a protective barrier against external threats.

Thus, a balance of the microbiota is essential for the proper functioning of the body.

According to a study by the Journal of the Colombian Association of Dermatology and Dermatological Surgery, 9 out of 10 human cells show symbiotic relationships with the microbiota. In other words, an imbalance of this “acquired organ” represents an exposure to different skin diseases.

How to protect the skin microbiota against possible alterations

Having hydrated, shiny and healthy skin is —in large part— a product of the balance of skin flora. But different situations can alter this coexistence. This alteration is known as “dysbiosis” or “dysbacteriosis”.

Some reasons are related to external aspects, while others depend on personal care. The following situations tend to alter the microbiota:

Excessive hygiene actions.
Bad nutrition.
Altered pH of the skin.
Environmental changes and pollution. Stress.
Taking antibiotics.

If one of these factors, or a combination of them, produces dysbiosis, it can result in different skin problems. For example, itching, peeling and rashes. Additionally, it can collaborate with the generation of psoriasis or rosacea.

Despite everything, it is possible to carry out various treatments to avoid or counteract this imbalance. These are daily gestures like eating healthy, exercising regularly and avoiding certain hygiene products.

It is also important not to self-medicate so as not to mistakenly consume antibiotics that alter the microbiota.

A few tips for taking care of the skin microbiota

Some factors that affect the skin flora are linked to changes in the environment, but others to the consumption of medicines, foods and hygiene products. Although he does not have full control of the situations that modify him, it is possible to perform a series of self-healing.

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Review hygiene products

Although skin cleanliness and general hygiene are essential for good health, there are commercial products that can alter the balance of the microbiota. For example, shampoos and soaps containing sulfates and other chemicals that affect the pH level of the skin.

In these cases, it is recommended to use natural products, in addition to regulating the intensity and frequency of application. This includes hair products, soaps, but also cosmetics and perfumes. Some specimens contain probiotics which work to restore skin flora.

Wash your skin thoroughly

Beyond the frequency of washing, you also have to pay attention to how the products are applied to the skin. A bath with less hot water, of short duration and without the use of sponges, is recommended. Regarding drying, it must be done gently and without rubbing too much.

Ensure hydration

To take care of the skin park, it is essential to avoid drying out and to apply gentle creams that promote skin hydration. In addition, there are regenerating products that respect the dermis.

Hydration also refers to the suggested daily water intake. It is recommended to drink 3.7 liters of water daily for men and 2.7 liters for women.

Protect yourself from the sun

It is clear that UV rays present many complexities for the skin. The skin park can suffer from imbalances if it is not cared for with sunscreen throughout the year. In addition, exposure to intense radiation should be avoided.

That said, it is essential to apply sunscreen with an SPF greater than 30 and to use clothing and accessories that help cover the skin from the direct impact of the sun (long shirts, sunglasses, hats, etc).

Eat well and rest well

A balanced diet, which includes vegetables, protein and fiber, supports the microbiota. On the other hand, regular rest also contributes to a healthy state of the skin flora and the organism in general.

Don’t medicate yourself

Improper medication intake, especially antibiotics, leads to alterations in the skin microbiota. Moreover, as detailed in a review of Science Translational Medicinethis may play a role in the problem of antibiotic resistance.

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Protect the bacteria that coexist with the body

One thing is clear: not all bacteria are bad. Those that make up the skin microbiota are responsible for creating a protective barrier against possible pathogens.

Therefore, taking care of it becomes essential to enjoy soft, healthy skin with sufficient defenses to fulfill its barrier function.

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