Find out how dirty our phones are in this video

2024-08-28 21:37:12

Discovered on Reddit, but originating from Instagram, this video shows us the true nature of the filth that reigns on our smartphones.

Viewed 316,000 times on Instagram, this video by lab.technologist reveals to us, under the magnification of Justin Varghese’s microscope, the fauna of germs and micro-organisms that swarm in the interstices of the mobile devices that we handle all day long.

Screenshot of an Instagram post by lab.technologist

Impossible to see with the naked eye, germs and even our fingerprints are rich in biodiversity, if you will allow me the expression.

On his Instagram account, microbiologist Varghese seems to take a mischievous pleasure in exposing a host of everyday objects under a microscope in videos, such as Oreo cookies, lipstick and tap water. The few words written by Varghese on his Insta account are in Hindi, according to Google Translate.

Find out how dirty our phones are in this video

Screenshot of an Instagram post by lab.technologist

Now, after watching this video, the thought of washing your hands will come to your mind more often, as well as a swipe of disinfectant wipe on the edges of your devices.

#Find #dirty #phones #video



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