North Korean media’s head hurts our noses when we provoke the president’s remarks by the NLL shooter

North Korean propaganda media took issue with President Yoon Seok-yeol’s mention of ‘Nursing the Northern Limit Line (NLL)’ during the launching ceremony of the next-generation Aegis destroyer Jeongjo the Great (8,200 tons) on the 28th of last month, saying, “If we continue to provoke us, we will get hurt. can,” he criticized.

The echo of unification, an external propaganda medium, wrote on the 1st, “The pretentiousness of the weak,” written by the National Unification Research Institute disaster by Choi Jun-young, saying, “They were playing around with the idea that weightlifting Yoon Seok-yeol was a ship’s Seon-jin-style congratulatory speech, saying that it was regarding strengthening combat power or building maritime security.” It’s a clown drama that will make even any comedian cry.”

He added, “It seems to have come from a humble intention to hide even a little bit of the military inferiority compared to our republic, America’s war minions, and bullet receivers.”

At the same time, he slandered President Yoon with primary colors such as “It’s really pitiful”, “The hysterical madness of a confrontation sick man”, and “Im sorry.”

The media also pointed out to President Yoon, “Even during Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye’s weightlifting, they talked regarding ‘professing the ocean naval force’ and ‘preparing for a collision in the West Sea’, but the reality was the opposite.”

The North Korean media reacted sensitively to the launch of the Navy’s first 8,200-ton next-generation Aegis destroyer, the King Jeongjo, because they feared that the ship would pose a significant threat to them with a ballistic missile detection, tracking and intercept system. observations are coming.

/yunhap news



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