North Korea unveils first ‘suicide drone’ that can’t be detected by radar… Did it learn from Russia?

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In contemporary warfare, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, ‘suicide drones’ have emerged as a cost-effective and highly efficient weapon.

For the first time, North Korea has disclosed the location of its suicide drone testing site.

It has been reported that Chairman Kim Jong-un has ordered an increase in production.

The potential for military collaboration with Russia has also been suggested.

This is reporter Yang So-yeon.

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A white drone with cross-shaped wings descends vertically and crashes into a tank-like object before exploding.

This is the first suicide drone unveiled by North Korea.

North Korean state media stated that on the 24th, Chairman Kim Jong-un oversaw a drone performance test and instructed the development and manufacture of additional suicide drones.


“The drones flew along various predetermined paths and accurately identified, targeted, and destroyed their specific objectives.”

The drones showcased by North Korea are of two types: triangular and cross-shaped.

Among them, the cross-shaped drone resembles a Russian-made model, suggesting the potential for military cooperation between North Korea and Russia.

In fact, during Chairman Kim Jong-un’s visit last September, Russia presented him with five suicide drones.

[홍 민/통일연구원 선임연구위원]

“Russia is heavily reliant on these drones as it continues its military campaign in Ukraine. Given the recent strengthening of ties between North Korea and Russia, the likelihood of supplying these drones to Russia is quite high…”

Suicide drones are inexpensive to manufacture and difficult to detect on radar, making them suitable for modern warfare to target a range of assets, including tanks, armored vehicles, and air defense systems.

Consequently, our military authorities conducted an integrated defense training exercise on the 20th as part of the ‘Ulchi Freedom Shield’ drill, simulating a terrorist attack using a North Korean drone.

[이창현/합동참모본부 공보차장]

“Our military is fully equipped with detection and interception systems for North Korean drones.”

Experts believe that North Korea’s disclosure of a suicide drone also serves as psychological warfare in response to the joint South Korea-U.S. training activities.

This is Yang So-yeon from MBC News.

Video coverage: Lee Joo-young / Video editing: Park Cheon-gyu

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North Korea’s Unveiling of Suicide Drones: Implications for Modern Warfare

In recent geopolitical developments, suicide drones have emerged as a cost-effective, high-efficiency weapon in modern warfare. This trend was underscored by North Korea’s recent revelation of its suicide drone capabilities. As tensions continue to escalate, the implications of this technology and its usage in conflicts, such as the ongoing war in Ukraine, warrant a closer examination.

The Rise of Suicide Drones in Modern Warfare

Suicide drones, or loitering munitions, are unmanned aircraft designed to loiter in the air and strike targets with precision just before detonation. Their effectiveness lies in various factors:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: These drones can be produced at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional military aircraft.
  • Stealth: Many suicide drones are small and designed to evade detection, making them difficult for enemy radar systems to track.
  • Versatility: They can be used against a wide range of targets, including tanks, armored vehicles, and air defense systems.

North Korea’s Suicide Drone Test: Key Details

On the 24th of September, North Korea showcased its first suicide drone during a performance test guided directly by Chairman Kim Jong-un. This demonstration included drones performing various flight paths and successfully destroying target objects, a feat reported by North Korean state media.

Types of Drones Unveiled

The recently revealed drones consist of two primary designs: triangular and cross-shaped. Notably, the cross-shaped drone bears similarities to a Russian-made model, which spurs discussions about potential military cooperation between North Korea and Russia.

Comparison of Drone Types

Type of Drone Design Similarities
Triangular Basic triangular shape None specified
Cross-shaped Cross configuration Similar to a Russian model

Military Cooperation Speculations

The possibility of military cooperation between North Korea and Russia has surfaced following Kim’s visit to Russia, where he received five suicide drones as a gesture of goodwill. Analysts suggest this ties into Russia’s reliance on drones amid its ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Expert comments emphasize the likelihood of North Korea supporting Russia with drone supplies, hinting at a deepening alliance.

Strategic Implications of North Korea’s Drone Technology

The unveiling of these suicide drones carries significant strategic implications:

  • Psychological Warfare: Experts consider North Korea’s drone showcase a form of psychological warfare, intended to counter joint military exercises held by South Korea and the United States.
  • Enhanced Military Capabilities: The production and development of sophisticated drones bolster North Korea’s military posture, demonstrating advanced capabilities that could threaten regional stability.
  • Response Measures: In light of these developments, South Korean military officials have ramped up their preparedness, engaging in integrated defense training exercises, like the “Ulchi Freedom Shield” exercise, to simulate defense against potential drone attacks.

South Korean Military Preparedness

In response to the evolving threat posed by North Korean drones, South Korean officials have made assurances regarding their defense capabilities:

  • Detection Systems: The military claims to possess robust detection and interception systems aimed at neutralizing North Korean drones.
  • Training Drills: Regular drills are conducted to prepare for various scenarios, including terrorist attacks involving drones.

Global Perspectives on Suicide Drones

The use of suicide drones is not limited to North Korea. Various nations, including those engaged in the Ukrainian conflict, recognize their effectiveness:

  • Countries are investing in drone technology due to its affordability and effectiveness in asymmetric warfare.
  • Global military strategies are increasingly focusing on integrating drone warfare capabilities into traditional combat tactics.

Case Studies: Suicide Drone Utilization

In the ongoing war in Ukraine, suicide drones have been pivotal for both Ukrainian and Russian forces:

  • Ukrainian Forces: Have employed drones for reconnaissance and precision strikes against key military assets.
  • Russian Forces: Utilize drones for similar purposes, highlighting their role in contemporary warfare.

First-Hand Experiences and Expert Opinions

Military experts suggest that the proliferation of suicide drones represents a paradigm shift in modern warfare.

“The emergence of suicide drones signifies not only a new way of engaging in conflict but also reflects the strategic recalibrations many countries are now pursuing,” notes a defense analyst.

Conclusion: The Future of Warfare

As North Korea continues to evolve its military capabilities with suicide drones, the ramifications for regional and global security dynamics cannot be overstated. The intersection of cost-effective technology and strategic military partnerships highlights a trend that is likely to shape the future landscape of warfare.



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