North Korea is testing a submarine capable of launching a nuclear attack

Pyongyang this week tested a new submarine capable of launching a nuclear attack in response to the US-South Korean maneuvers, according to the North’s official KCNA news agency.

submarine capabilities

  • The agency stated that the North Korean army deployed and tested, during exercises that lasted from Tuesday to Thursday off South Hamgyong Province, a new weapon system whose mission is to “cause a large-scale radioactive tsunami” through an underwater explosion to destroy enemy ships and ports..
  • She indicated that this submarine “can be deployed on any coast or port and towed by a surface ship“.
  • North Korea regards the maneuvers as rehearsals for an invasion of its territory and has repeatedly warned that it will take “crushing” measures in response.

North Korea fired several cruise missiles on Wednesday, according to the South Korean military, which is currently conducting large-scale joint exercises with the United States.

Washington and Seoul have strengthened defense cooperation in the face of growing military and nuclear threats from North Korea, which has increasingly conducted provocative tests of banned weapons..

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