North Korea declares victory over “Covid”

Seoul (AFP)

Yesterday, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un announced that his country had achieved a “resounding victory” over the “Covid-19” epidemic, after he contracted it himself, according to his sister, who accused Seoul of being the origin of the epidemic in her country. While presiding over a meeting of scientists and health workers, Kim announced this “victory in the war on the virulent epidemic disease.” “The victory achieved by our people is a historic event that once again demonstrated to the world the greatness of our country, the indomitable determination of our people and the beautiful national customs that we cherish,” Kim said. North Korea was one of the first countries in the world to close its borders in January 2020 after the virus emerged in neighboring China. And it announced the first case of the Corona virus on May 12, and Kim Jong Un personally took over the control of the epidemic. Since July 29, Pyongyang has not reported any new infections. North Korea has recorded nearly 4.8 million cases of “fever”, since late April, and only 74 deaths, according to the official news agency. Kim said, amid thunderous applause in the hall, according to the agency, that the management of the epidemic is an “unprecedented miracle in the global history of public health.”

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