North Korea “condone and not condone South Korean provocations”

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North Korea, which violated the 9.19 military agreement by firing hundreds of artillery fire into the East and West Seas yesterday evening, issued a position of red flag today.

It is said that our military fired artillery first, and it was a counter-fire.

He even threatened to not tolerate provocations from the South with an overwhelming military response.

Reporter Yoon Seong-cheol reports.

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The sound of shelling on Yeonpyeong Island, Incheon, facing North Korea, started around 6 pm yesterday and continued until 7 pm.

When the residents were unable to hide their anxiety at the sound of shelling that continued for regarding an hour, the myeon office even sent out an emergency announcement.

“Residents, please do not be alarmed and evacuate at home.”

About 130 fishing boats set out to sail had to turn their bows in a hurry.

The bombardment that tensed Yeonpyeong Island in the early evening was a North Korean artillery provocation.

North Korea dropped more than 390 shells in the ‘Marine Buffer Zone’ in the East and West Seas for regarding two hours yesterday.

And this morning, North Korea announced in the name of a spokesman for the General Staff of the Korean People’s Army that it was a ‘fire in response to South Korean artillery fire’.

“I will not condone any provocation that aggravates tension,” and “I will take overwhelming military countermeasures.”

The South Korean artillery fire, which North Korea insisted on, was a regular practice bomb firing exercise conducted in the area far south of the Military Demarcation Line yesterday and the day before as part of the MLRS firing exercise, a multiple rocket launcher of the USFK.

[신종우/한국국방안보포럼 사무국장]

“It’s a shooting range outside the no-fire training zone, and we shoot south. In the end, we made various provocations and blamed the South for a little bit more tension…”

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff pointed out that this bombardment by North Korea was a clear violation of the agreement aimed at the area where fire was banned in the ‘9/19 military agreement’.

North Korean experts analyzed that North Korea is repeating military provocations and shifting responsibility, and is thinking regarding the South’s position on the breach of the 9/19 military agreement.

Assuming the threat of North Korea next week, South Korea’s army, navy, air force, and US forces are also scheduled to participate in a national defense drill in part, raising the possibility of North Korea’s additional provocations.

This is Seongcheol Yoon from MBC News.

Video editing Yoon Chi-young

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