North Kivu: 8 peacekeepers injured in an M23/RDF attack in Sake

Goma, March 17, 2024 – A total of eight (8) peacekeepers from the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO) were injured in a new bombardment by the M23 rebels, supported by the Rwanda Defense Forces (RDF), Saturday in Saka, located 27 kilometers west of the city of Goma, in North Kivu.

According to Lieutenant-Colonel Ndjike Kaiko Guillaume, doorman for the Congolese army in North Kivu, there are 7 Guetemaltecs and 1 Indian.

“The Rwandan army dropped bombs targeting the position of peacekeepers deployed in Sake during this Saturday’s clashes between the armed forces of the DRC and the army supported by the M23,” did he declare.

MONUSCO angry at this new attack

In a press release, the special representative of the Secretary General of the Nations in the Democratic Republic of Congo and head of MONUSCO firmly condemns this new attack against the peacekeepers.

Out loud, Bintou Keiti wishes a speedy recovery to the injured. She also says she is prepared to support an investigation intended to determine responsibilities before national and international courts.

“Ms. Bintou Keita reaffirms MONUSCO’s commitment alongside the Congolese defense and security forces to strengthen joint and unilateral patrols in order to protect the populations. The head of MONUSCO also reiterates her call for an immediate cessation of violence by all armed groups against civilians. It particularly invites the armed group M23 to lay down its arms and respect the terms of the Luanda road map. we read in the press release.

As a reminder, MONUSCO peacekeepers were deployed in the city of Saké as part of “Springbok” operations alongside the Armed Forces of the Republic of Congo. For several weeks, these two forces have been carrying out operations there against the M23 rebels supported by Rwanda.

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Magloire TSONGO

2024-03-17 11:12:30
#North #Kivu #peacekeepers #injured #M23RDF #attack #Sake

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