North Jutland cultural schools: If you do this, it affects children throughout the region

The big band is thus not part of the government’s plans and now stands to lose a support that can ensure the orchestra’s future existence. This worries the region’s music and culture schools.

A regionally rooted musical beacon like the Nordkraft Big Band is of great importance to the region’s cultural schools.

The knock-on effect of the orchestra’s educational efforts leaves its mark throughout the region. In addition, concerts are held in all the region’s municipalities – concerts that inspire and ensure cultural diversity in the North Jutland region.


Controversial orchestra awaits death blow

A proximity to an orchestra of this caliber cannot be replaced by sporadic visits from other orchestras, neither national nor international.

It is ongoing work to secure teachers with a high professional level to teach at the region’s music and cultural schools. It is a requirement that cannot be waived, even if you do not live in Aarhus, Odense or Copenhagen.

As an industry, among other things, KIN is concerned that it will become more difficult to retain musicians in the region through relevant professional work.

A closure will reinforce an already ongoing trend towards further centralization and have consequences for our ability to attract the best teachers to the region’s cultural schools.

Overall, closing the orchestra will have far-reaching consequences for music life, venues, music associations and the musical food chain, music schools and culture schools.

In the primary school, the big band has communicated and delighted children throughout the region through school concerts, and in several places with the local teacher sitting as an ambassador for the music in the orchestra.

Through its activities and status as a professional ensemble, Nordkraft Big Band has raised the level of the jazz scene in the entire region.

KIN calls for this work to gain recognition through funding from the Finance Act, which can ensure operation over a number of years on the basis of results and relevance created in North Jutland.

2024-10-12 17:33:00
#North #Jutland #cultural #schools #affects #children #region



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