“None of those rights are real”

2023-08-15 20:23:05

The candidate for governor of Buenos Aires for La Libertad Avanza (LLA), Carolina Píparowent out to answer Lali Espósito after her severe criticism of Javier Milei. He defended the result of the PASO on Sunday and expressed that “There are no rights in this country.”

Lali Esposito had labeled the presidential candidate as a «antiderechos» for their positions against legal abortion, gender equality and sexual diversity.

“Yesterday I saw a debate on the networks about a singer who said: ‘How dangerous, anti-rights people.’ I believe that all those people, with their vote, have shown us that in the end there are no rights in this country.”interpreted Píparo in radio statements.

The national deputy said that “many of those people” who voted for her space and Javier Milei “It is because he knows exactly that there is no right to health, to education, and much less the right to security«.

“What are we talking about? Because enough of the discursive topic. What are we talking about in reality? In the reality none of those rights are real“lamented the legislator, who demanded that Lali put aside “Hypocrisy” with the theme.

The candidate for governor referred to the campaign of fear that is attributed to the ruling party, referring to the fact that Milei “is going to take away all the rights” of the population. «will restore rights. The issue is whether they want to seriously debate what rights we Argentines have today. Do we have the right to be safe or to a decent education? No right, only the one who can pay it. The reality is that: the boys do not know how to read or write, they do not interpret text at 18 years old, “he said.

Health? You go to a small room and if you have two children you have a turn for only one and within 10 days, is that health? Is it enough to say “I have a ministry” to be healthy? Let’s stop the hypocrisy. That is what I invite in general“, complete.

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What Lali said about Javier Milei

The singer had posted her opinion on the triumph of the liberal economist and caused a stir on social networks, where she has a large number of followers. “It does not hurt me at all that they ‘bardeen’ me for considering it dangerous and sad that there are people who vote for an anti-rights,” wrote Lali, who added: “The violence with which they bardean and the arguments are a reflection of what they vote for, precisely.”

«We get used to considering that if someone thinks one way, it is because they are on the ‘other side’. AND the only side that I will always be (within the decadent Argentine political and economic panorama) It is from the side that does not shit on the gains in terms of rights“he continued.

And he closed: «He could not comment on anything, obviously. It’s the most ‘comfortable’, but I’m not like that. So yeah, it’s really sad for me to vote for an anti-right. Still, don’t worry, I’m an anguished citizen, not a candidate or anything. Relax! A respectful kiss to all«.

#rights #real

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