“Red” has hit the political thermometer in the debate on non-state universities, which began amid intense debates and interruptions in the relevant committee of the Parliament, with the Minister of Education Kyriakos Pierrakakis speaking of a “festival of hypocrisy”.
“Bloods ignited” in the Committee of Educational Affairs, where the bill on non-state universities is being discussed, with Kyriakos Pierrakakis even firing fierce “shots” at the dissenters and coming into confrontation with Pavlos Polakis.
It is noted that the debate began with a request from SYRIZA, KKE, New Left and Pleussi Eleftherias to withdraw the bill as unconstitutional, while the position of Independent MP Haris Katsivardas was indirectly but clearly in the same direction.
On the contrary, PASOK-KINAL. Hellenic Solution and Spartans did not want to position themselves in this first confrontation with the “good morning” of the drafting of the bill.
For his part, Mr. Pierrakakis replied that leading constitutionalists have decided that the bill “is not unconstitutional”. The bill he said “increases the effectiveness of the Constitution” and submitted the opinions of the constitutional experts Evag. Venizelou, Vassilis Skouris and Filippou Spyropoulou saying that “during the discussion we will present you with others”.
The issue of the unconstitutionality or not of a bill, of course according to the Civil Code, cannot be raised and decided by a decision in the Committee, but only in the Plenary with the procedure of the request to submit an objection of Unconstitutionality and the holding of a vote of the House.
“Stop complacency”
Mr. Pierrakakis accused those who are reacting that they adhere to an “ideological originalism”. He pointed out that today approximately 35,000 students are studying in private colleges, who obtain full professional rights and on the basis of community legislation and thus can qualify for the ASEP, be admitted to the School of Judges, etc. . And all this under an unregulated system of operation of the colleges that we have to regulate and stop this “Greek eldorado of colleges” from existing. It is necessary, said the minister, “to stop the complacency we are showing”.
To the reactions of SYRIZA MP Pavlos Polakis who interrupted him saying that “we are in direct disagreement”, he reminded him that when during the SYRIZA government he tried to exclude college graduates from a public recruitment competition, a decision came from him that rejected it.
The minister acknowledged, among other things, that “the legality of the bill will certainly not be decided by the parliament but in the end by the administrative courts”. “We don’t do anything else,” he said, “than what applies in almost all States,” he said. He asked those who claim that the framework for the establishment of non-state non-profit Universities to bring to the debate a more rigorous framework. He rejected that students with 8 and 9 will be admitted to them as it is envisaged that the basic criteria that the parent institutions have for a student to be admitted will apply.
He declared himself open to suggestions and called on the parties to help, noting that “you either plan the future or you live with it. And so far we’ve been doing it. Let’s shape it together.”
After a first strong bran de fer between the minister and the Opposition in the Commission, the positions of the rapporteurs and special buyers of the parties began.
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