Non-files have full lifestyle data, Finance Minister admits corruption in tax collection – Business & Economy

Federal Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb has said that the complete lifestyle data of non-files is available, this data will be the biggest proof, China has supported the agreement with the IMF, the package has been approved by the China IMF Executive Board. will also support, we have to move forward with both China and US blocs, how will we move forward if we unilaterally terminate the agreement with local or foreign investors.

While giving a press conference in Islamabad, Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb said that if the taxes are to be increased, the government will also have to provide facilities to the people, discussions regarding taxes are going on at the local level.

Muhammad Aurangzeb said that steps are being taken to improve the country’s economy, we have introduced the businessman-friendly scheme, the process of taxation has been made very easy for the businessmen, I am grateful to all the business community for their cooperation, I am here from the salary class. Come on, try not to burden the lower class with taxes.

The finance minister said that efforts are also being made to promote agriculture, the economy will be strengthened by paying tax dues, providing facilities for traders and investors is a priority.

He further said that the Prime Minister holds a meeting every week regarding FBR reforms, the Chief Ministers will bring legislation for taxes in the agricultural sector, the salaried class says to me what have you done for us, the tax defaulters of the country and the people. Not allocated from

Muhammad Aurangzeb said that due to digitization we have understood two or three things in the last two months, I talk about myself, the way I travel, use credit cards or have any kind of car or house. So that’s all his data, and apart from how much tax I pay, on that basis we’ve taken the data of 4.9 lakh filers which has their whole lifestyle.

The finance minister further said that the entire lifestyle data of non-files is there, there are some problems in this regard that using my data to say that you deal with us, that means there is corruption and harassment. is also included but that will not be possible now because the data will be the main evidence.

He also said that harassment from FBR will end, notices will be given to non-filers in a centralized way, notices will not be sent directly to non-filers.

Muhammad Aurangzeb said that we have to simplify the tax procedures, I have lived in foreign countries where every year I received a simple form telling me that you have deducted so much tax, I just had to tell it. I bought or sold a car or a house but here I see that every year a salaried class needs a lawyer to pay taxes.

Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb said that a question is being repeatedly asked that many taxes are imposed on the poor, but what is the government doing? 5 Ministries are under review.

He further said that some sectors of 5 ministries can be merged, the cabinet committee is working on the issue of 5 ministries, they are considering the merger of IT and telecom, health sector is the responsibility of provinces, Kashmir. And there is a need to merge the ministries of Gilgit-Baltistan, Dr. Ishrat Hussain’s work regarding institutions could not go ahead.

Mohammad Aurangzeb further said that there was a detailed discussion on energy with China, Panda bond was discussed during the visit to China, Chinese ministers appreciated the discussion with the IMF, China supported Pakistan in the approval of the IMF board. will do

The Federal Finance Minister said that if we do not bring macroeconomic stability under the staff level agreement of the IMF, then the problems will not end.

“Over the last week I have met with rating agencies Modi, Fitch, who downgraded us last year, we have to come back and come back if we want this to be our last,” he added. If there is an IMF program, we should have a route to market, because there will be export growth, foreign directed investment will take us to export.

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2024-07-28 14:00:00



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