no to totalitarianism and dictatorship!

CHRONICLE — Of course, the country is in an election campaign, even if the outgoing President is not yet out of the woods. But, I can’t believe that this political sequence should be attributed to the deafening silence that surrounded the declarations – however very strong! – from Professor Raoult in his latest weekly video.

See also: Professor Raoult warns of the totalitarian danger: “it’s no longer science but belief”

I have already had the opportunity to raise his “We will not go to bed!” included in the new year message from the Marseille professor. Today, it is quite clear that not only Didier Raoult does not lie down, but that he stands up and faces up.

Because there is no policy that is valid apart from the realities, including in health matters, we cannot ignore the fact that we have reached “ten billion vaccines” in the world, and that there is “no there have never been so many cases” of Covid. While “it is in the countries where we have vaccinated the least that there are the fewest cases”, we are witnessing a “willingness to increase vaccination coverage for a vaccine of which we have proof under the eyes that it absolutely does not work […]. The epidemic flares up more and more as the injections continue.

There is therefore no doubt. “We left science” to enter another world: “it’s belief, it’s religion”. And, people are asked to obey “things that don’t make sense”. Which is all the easier because “the only way to prevent obedience is to have alternative voices”. But, “every time we censor, we prevent obedience to a single voice and, of course, there must not be a single voice”.

Since “the vaccine has become something that is not connected to reality” (it does not stop the epidemic, it is of no interest for people who do not have a risk factor), ” the tone rises and it becomes more and more aggressive”. Professor Raoult clearly alludes to the ignominy of the director of the AP-HP who “proposes to no longer treat people who do not obey for something that has no meaning”, and he refers to American or English studies considering “locking up the non-vaccinated”, which is even more inadmissible because “we do not see the danger represented by a non-vaccinated”, at a time when “the vaccinated are as positive as the non- vaccinated”.

See also: Martin Hirsch and the care of the unvaccinated: calls for his resignation… and statements contradicted by the facts

Without raising his voice, Professor Raoult nevertheless sounds the alarm. “When you want people to obey when it doesn’t make sense, that’s called totalitarianism”; one should not enter a totalitarian society “because of this history”. And “when you threaten to no longer treat people, or lock them up, it’s dictatorship”.

“I congratulate those who resist,” said Didier Raoult, quoting his friend Laurent Mucchielli.

The media may well not relay his words. The fact remains that the resistance now takes various forms, such as the refusal of the 3ᵉ injection, and soon the 4ᵉ, in exchange for the dish of lentils from the vaccine passport.

Our rulers thought they might eternally deceive the French people. But, with the “vaccinated” three doses who catch the disease – everyone knows now in his entourage! – eyes are opened both to the ineffectiveness of injections and to the serious damage or death they cause.

As for their opponents, they may well be biting their fingers by associating with their votes, both in the National Assembly and in the Senate, with deprivation of liberty measures that are the ordinary prerogative of police states and totalitarian regimes. Surely the Covid did not deserve so many honors…



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