no tension and a united vote –

The events that afflict the government, also aggravated by the management of the Sangiuliano affair, are intertwined with the already complex issue of the appointments to the Rai board of directors, for which next week could be the decisive one. The conditional is a must since the different souls of the majority have not yet found a definitive agreement. And until the agreement is made official, everyone continues to try to obtain better results.

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According to Adnkronos, in the corridors of Viale Mazzini there is an atmosphere of strange calm. Some define it as “of great expectation”. The ‘mood’ is essentially: “August has always been a particular month for politics, the month of declarations and gossip, in September parliamentary activity begins again and we move from words to facts and concrete proposals, and we return with the need to respect a very busy agenda and to respect the times, therefore the issues that occupy the summer pages are overtaken by concrete activity”. In short, it is time to get serious. They know this well in Fratelli d’Italia where there is a more marked optimism than in recent days, in reference to the vote in the Chambers on September 12: “We do not perceive particular fibrillations within the majority or a climate of particular tension that calls into question the fact that on the 12th we will go to vote united”, explain FdI sources. This would be the most ‘advanced’ scenario, but it is still burdened by the uncertainty of the two-thirds of the votes in the Supervisory Board on the president, who will most likely be Simona Agnes from Forza Italia.

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The opposition has a completely different opinion. “We must remain united, we concluded a joint measure between all the parties before the summer break and now we must remain united”, Democratic Party sources tell the agency. They explain that “there has not yet been a resumption of the discussion about the names to be nominated”. Maurizio Gasparri, president of the Forza Italia senators and member of the Rai supervisory board, for his part reiterates his party’s position: “There must be a global agreement, both with the majority and with the opposition – he explains to Adnkronos -. We will go to the Aventine with all the comrades. I hope the will for an agreement prevails, and I trust there will be, if there isn’t, everyone will make their own decisions”.

#tension #united #vote #Tempo
2024-09-08 12:14:31



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