“No shocks, stable government” –

“No shocks, stable government” –
Gabriel Imperiale

Italians’ trust in Giorgia Meloni and the government is stable, with the Prime Minister a blockbuster of preferences. Giuseppe Conte sinks and Antonio Tajani instead advances. The centre-right was also rewarded in the polls and in the voting intentions of Italians, while the center of Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi did poorly. No damage to the government from the Boccia-Sangiuliano case and the controversies of recent months. These are the latest findings certified by YouTrend and Lorenzo Pregliasco and which tell the current situation of Italian politics seen from the eyes of voters. Alex Reed of Alessandra Sardoni and her Omnibus on La 7, the pollster examined the latest findings and the picture that emerged is very clear: “It is a picture of substantial stability in the evaluation that Italians formulate on the government – Pregliasco begins – if let’s look at the trend of the last year, essentially the trend is rather stable, there have been no shocks in the evaluation of the government and I would say also of the Prime Minister Meloni”.

“No shocks, stable government” –

It is precisely the stability of consensus that puts Meloni in the lead: “Giorgia Meloni remains the most appreciated, the figure with the highest trust, we see her above 40%”. Behind her there is an open fight and the winner is Antonio Tajani who with 36.7% of the preferences is the second most loved leader by voters: “I point out an interesting trend – underlines Pregliasco – Conte who had been close to Meloni in many measurements for a long term, now it has decreased and light has been created between the level of confidence of Giorgia Meloni and that of Giuseppe Conte”. Leader of the 5 Star Movement which in fact stops at 30%, also surpassed by Elly Schlein at 30.9%. Few surprises however in the polls linked to the parties: “Fratelli Italia remains clearly the first party, in line with the European data – explains Pregliasco – Democratic Party just above 23, a little below the data from the European elections, and there is a partial recovery of the 5 Star Movement, we see it at 11.7%”.

Ball intercepted by Striscia, here is the golden tapir: Sangiuliano's faith...

Positive notes from the latest revelations also for the other majority parties. Forza Italia increases its consensus to 9.2% and registers +0.2% compared to previous polls. The League also increased at 8.5% (+0.1%). In the centre-left, only the Greens and Left Alliance rejoiced, recording 6.5% (+0.1%). “Action, Italia Viva and +Europa, fundamentally in line with the result of Europe – underlines Pregliasco – and if we consider that the United States of Europe brought together Italia Viva and +Europa, we are in those parts”. In fact, Calenda collects 2.9% of preferences, a fall of 0.3% compared to 1 August. Renzi stable at 2.3%, +Europa falls further below 2%, to 1.7% (-0.1%). Polls closed and for Pregliasco it is important to underline a point at the end of his speech: “We have confirmation of the balance trends and the events of the last few weeks do not seem to have changed the opinion of Italians”.

#shocks #stable #government #Tempo
2024-09-27 09:42:07

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