“No Responsibility” – The Time

No responsibility for General Roberto Vannacci, acquitted of all charges of embezzlement and fraud brought in the administrative investigation into his time as temporary military attaché at the Italian embassy in Moscow from 7 February 2021 to 18 May 2022. “I have always acted in full compliance with the law and with the sole intent of representing our country in the best possible way. I am grateful that the truth has emerged and that my integrity has been confirmed”, is the comment of the League MEP on the Decree of the Defence General Staff issued at the end of the administrative investigation conducted against him.

What does the provision say? The lawyer Giorgio Carta, defense attorney for General Vannacci, explains. “With a decree dated July 26, but notified today, the Deputy Chief of Defense Staff concluded the administrative investigation conducted at the time against General Vannacci regarding the use of a BMW service vehicle and the use of resources pertaining to the ‘Promozione Italia’ fund for the organization of institutional social events as a temporary military attaché at the Italian Embassy in Moscow, which the press had given wide coverage to”.

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Well, “at the end of the investigation, carried out pursuant to articles 452 et seq. of the Tuom, the Deputy Chief of Defence Staff decreed ‘the non-existence of any type of administrative liability, for fraud or gross negligence’ and forwarded the relevant documents to the competent Regional Prosecutor’s Office for the Jurisdictional Section for Lazio of the Court of Auditors which, however, unlike what was reported by the media – Carta explains – had not communicated to the officer any proceedings against him. In this regard, it is also communicated that, contrary to what was reported by the press, the facts in question have not been contested by the military or ordinary Prosecutor’s Office”. In short, the conclusion of the proceedings “definitively excludes any hypothesized administrative and accounting liability”.

#Responsibility #Time
2024-08-07 06:46:59



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