‘This cannot be considered a democracy’: Carter Center’s scathing statement on Venezuelan elections

2024-07-31 06:33:00

The disputed election saw Chavista candidates win, Nicolás Madurocontinues to cause a sensation both internally and externally Venezuelawith multiple international organizations, human rights experts and even leaders They insist on questioning the transparency of the electoral process Happened last Sunday.

In this sense, Carter Center The Atlanta-based organization’s stance was made clear in a stern statement released Tuesday.

Maduro wins election, according to group “It does not meet international parameters and standards of electoral integrity and cannot be considered democratic”.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

Deaths, political arrests and the removal of Chavez statues: A map of Venezuela’s unrest and repression

It is one of the organizations with rights to Authorizes the National Electoral Commission (CNE) to observe the elections.

The Carter Center’s statement emphasized that it could not “confirm the authenticity of the presidential election results announced by the National Election Commission.”

In the same sense, there are reports that “A serious violation of electoral principles” The CNE authorities have been questioned for allegedly “favoring the ruling party and opposing opposition candidates.”

On the other hand, they point to Chavismo “Abuse of public resources” during the campaign.

In short, the organization combines the democratic mission of Venezuelan citizens with “CNE lacks transparency.”

Protests in Venezuela. Photo: AFP

“The Carter Center Observer Team verified the willingness of Venezuelan citizens to participate in the democratic electoral process and demonstrated their civic commitment as table members, party witnesses, and observers. These efforts were undermined by the CNE’s lack of transparency in disseminating results,” they charted chart.

The statement comes after a day filled with death, arrests, persecution and persecution. A worrying climate of political unrest appears to be growingwhile the opposition has been denouncing the alleged fraud since Sunday.

The Carter Center, which oversees the election, said in a statement that “Venezuela’s 2024 presidential election does not meet international parameters and standards for electoral integrity and cannot be considered a democracy.”

In this framework, the streets of Venezuela are filled with citizens Opponents claimed on Tuesday that his candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia had won the polls.He in turn urged against a repression of the people, precisely to prevent the “massacre” threatened by Nicolas Maduro a few weeks ago.

Protests in Caracas against new Nicolás Maduro government

Worrying data from Venezuela on Tuesday

Protests on the day of the volcanic eruption resulted in the death of at least 12 people in Venezuela and the detention of hundreds.

Meanwhile, human rights defense group Foro Penal expressed concern about the number of civilians died during protests, including two minors.

Alfredo Romero, director of the Criminal Forum, said: “We are concerned about the use of firearms in these demonstrations. Eleven people died in the demonstrations in one day, which is a shocking number.”

Justice Minister Tarek William Saab later reported the death of one soldier and announced 749 arrests.

NGO National Hospital Survey Report 84 civilians injured in protestsAt the same time, the Ministry of Defense confirmed that 23 soldiers were injured.

Protests in Caracas against new Nicolás Maduro government Nicolás Maduro. Photo: AFP

Opposition leader Freddy Supelano was arrested on Tuesday in what the opposition said was an “escalation of repression”. His party, “The Will of the People,” He denounced what he called “torture” to “make him admit to false plans laid out by regime spokesmen.”

Defense Minister General Vladimir Padrino, who opposes the government coup, said the armed forces, one of the pillars of Venezuela’s ruling party, expressed “absolute loyalty and unconditional support” to Maduro.

Before cutting ties with Peru, Caracas expelled diplomats from that country as well as those from Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Panama, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay. Confronted with what he considered to be “distractions.”

Six of Maria Collina Machado’s collaborators, who have taken refuge in the Argentinian embassy for weeks, condemned the police siege of the diplomatic headquarters, which was without power on Tuesday. Argentina confirmed it was “harassment” at its diplomatic headquarters.


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