No national funeral for Jean Lapointe: “We are disappointed for Dad”

Jean Lapointe will not be entitled to a state funeral, has learned The newspaper. Singer, actor, founder of Maison Jean Lapointe and former senator, the man who died on November 18 would not meet the criteria of the Government of Quebec for the implementation of this protocol granted to major public figures, such Guy Lafleur , Jean Béliveau and René Angélil.

• Read also: The day Jean Lapointe wanted to get my dad sober

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This decision saddens his family, including his son, Jean-Marie Lapointe. The latter considers that his father would have deserved ultimate attention and that it is a gift that is taken away from the general public. “It is not for me that I am sad, but for the public who would have loved, I believe, to pay a last tribute to dad, confided Jean-Marie Lapointe to the Journal Monday morning. We are disappointed for dad too, because his work as an artist, humanist and former senator deserved to be celebrated.

It is the Protocol Office of the Ministry of International Relations and La Francophonie that decides whether or not a public figure meets the necessary criteria for the holding of a state funeral.

Jean-Marie Lapointe does not know the reasons for this decision. The newspaper wanted to obtain the list of criteria to be met for a Quebec personality to be entitled to a state funeral. At the time of going to press, The newspaper had not yet received a response from the Protocol Office. “The family does not have to beg for a state funeral,” explained Jean-Marie Lapointe, visibly disappointed with the decision.

It was the Lapointe family representative in this case, Simon-Pierre Diamond, who approached the government to find out what type of support it might offer the family. Even if his main request was not successful, the lobbyist still welcomes the “very generous and constant” support from Quebec in the file.

Contacted by The newspaper on this subject, Ewan Sauves, the Prime Minister’s press attaché, explained that the Government of Quebec wanted to pay “a heartfelt and deserved tribute” to Mr. Lapointe by the following gestures: “the half-masting of the flag on the central tower of the parliament building the day of the funeral, an official manifestation of collective mourning by the people of Quebec, support for the protocol of the government of Quebec in order to accompany the family in the organization and execution of the funeral, the sending flowers on behalf of the Government of Quebec and the presence of a government representative at the funeral”.

“We remain in contact with members of Mr. Lapointe’s family. Jean Lapointe marked modern Quebec, added the representative of the Prime Minister. It is important for us to pay tribute to this great man.”

Recently, a similar case arose with the death of Mike Bossy on April 15, 2022. A great hockey star, he was not entitled to a state funeral. Prime Minister Legault, however, honored the family with his presence at the athlete’s funeral.

burning chapel

Jean-Marie Lapointe has confirmed that there will be a funeral for Jean Lapointe’s family and close friends. As places are limited in the church and at the funeral home, the general public will not be able to attend these two events.

“We are working on the idea of ​​a burning chapel so that the public can come and say a last goodbye to him, explained Jean-Marie Lapointe. It’s a nice formula. We are in conversation with the City of Montreal to organize all of this. It will be in Montreal, because even if he was born in Bas-du-Fleuve and lived in Quebec, dad spent most of his life here.

Jean Lapointe died at the age of 86.

State funerals for artists and athletes

Quebec artists and athletes beloved by the general public have been entitled to state funerals in the past.

This was the case for these:

– Hockey player Guy Lafleur in 2022

– The artist agent, singer and spouse of Celine Dion, René Angélil, in 2016

– The athlete Jean Béliveau in 2014

– Director Gilles Carle in 2009

– The artist Jean Paul Riopelle in 2002

– Hockey player Maurice Richard in 2000

– The poet Gaston Miron in 1996

Who deserves this honor?

When a Quebec personality dies, the Government of Quebec can highlight the contribution of the deceased to Quebec society by offering to hold a state funeral or a national funeral. They are reserved for personalities who have marked political life in particular, according to a government decision. In principle, state funerals would be reserved for people who have dedicated their lives to their community and its well-being. Or who have accomplished exceptional humanitarian actions. Or who have made their art or discipline shine on a national scale.



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