No more tracksuits, jeans are back!

Put in the closet during the long weeks of confinement, the jeans are out once more, announces this journalist from Guardian, describing a staple of popular culture. It’s time for sobriety and durability for this essential item of clothing.

As British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the upcoming end of health restrictions in the UK, the fashion journalist from Guardian predicts the comeback of jeans. “It is the end of the tracksuit era with the return of denim”, she proclaims in her article, trying her hand at a very personal chronology of this rebirth.

Impossible to talk regarding jeans without mentioning its nemesis: “The era of the tracksuit began – as all history students will now learn – on March 11, 2020, the day the WHO [l’Organisation mondiale de la santé] declared that the outbreak of Covid-19 constituted a pandemic, and where we entered the age of confinement.”

A fashion star, the tracksuit is beginning, according to her, a sudden decline since a dark autumn day 2021, “when the dystopique tracksuit green algae color carried by the characters of Squid Game has become the favorite disguise for Halloween”.

Timeless, universal and timeless

Now is the time to put on the blue fabric pants once more, which will no doubt seem very narrow following two years of wearing loose clothes. But for the author, “the hardest thing is not so much getting into jeans once more as wanting them once more. Proof that our wardrobes are now giving in to simplicity, jeans, once considered a casual outfit, can now give the impression of being a little too dressy.”




Independence and quality characterize this title born in 1821, which counts among its ranks some of the most respected columnists in the country. The Guardian is the reference journal for the intelligentsia, teachers and


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