No matter how big the quantity is…a smart trick to clean okra without getting tired

Follow-up – Samah Ismail:

Okra is a well-known vegetable on the Arab table, and it is also a summer vegetable, but now it is often found in many supermarkets, and it is usually made with tomato sauce and then served with white pepper rice.

In this article, we will review the easiest ways to clean okra:

1. Use a sharp knife to cut off the top of the okra, making sure it stays pointed and not flat.

2. To remove the fuzz, use a clean new sponge to rub the okra seeds in the water.

3. Turn the chopped okra into a bowl filled with water until any dirt stuck to it is removed.

4. Spread the okra on a paper towel to absorb the excess water from the wash.

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