No handshake for Tanner from Bosnian officer upon decommissioning

The Muslim brought religious reasons into the meeting, the “Kurier” reported on Monday. The incident occurred on Friday in the run-up to “Lieutenant Day,” as Army spokesman Michael Bauer said.

The setting for the handshake that did not take place was a sponsorship ceremony at the Theresian Military Academy, during which every single lieutenant came on stage to be congratulated. However, the Bosnian officer had already announced in advance that he would not shake hands with Tanner because he was unable to do so for religious reasons.

No academy ring, no ceremony

In the end, the man wasn’t even called on stage. The ceremony was over for him, he did not receive an academy ring and, according to army information, he did not take part in the ceremony. The defense minister also “clearly explained” to the Bosnians what she thought of the action, emphasized Bauer. There was an apology from Slaven Galic, the deputy defense minister of Bosnia-Herzegovina, as the “Kurier” also reported.

A total of 72 career and 46 militia officers were ceremoniously accepted into the force at the “Lieutenant’s Day” on Saturday. In addition to the soldier from Bosnia-Herzegovina, a female soldier from Montenegro completed her officer training at the Theresian Military Academy this year as part of a collaboration with the armies of the Western Balkan states.



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