No debate for Macron before the 1st round? Arthaud, Le Pen, Zemmour castigate his decision

“I will not debate with the other candidates before the first round”, assured Monday evening, at the end of his first campaign meeting in Poissy (Yvelines), Emmanuel Macron. And to justify his decision, while at the same time the other candidates presented their proposals for women on LCI: “No current president has done it, I do not see why I would derogate from the rule”. “It would not be a debate, it would be a spectacle, buzz, a rat race”, abounded on France Inter the spokesman of the government Gabriel Attal.

Asked this Tuesday morning regarding this news, Nathalie Arthaud ignited: “It’s all an electoral circus. There is no equality! As in society, there are those who are at the top, those who are at the bottom, there are great candidates, there are small candidates! It is a complete reflection of the mode of operation of our whole society, ”reproached the candidate of Lutte Ouvrière.

“A bit of a way to scroll”

A few moments later, Eric Zemmour judged that this decision was “a bit of a way to escape”. “The fundamental debate will be that of the second round between Emmanuel Macron and me”, affirms the candidate of Reconquest on RMC and BFM.

In a tweet, Marine Le Pen was annoyed that the President of the Republic, not content with refusing to debate with the other candidates, is organizing a debate with the French whose “exchanges (are) carefully prepared in advance”. “Enough of the macronist stagings”, annoys the candidate of the RN.

This Tuesday morning, France Inter published the sheets of the “spontaneous” questions which were put to the president on Monday evening under the aegis of the mayor of Poissy, Karl Olive. Who assured France Inter that, if the debate had been prepared, the candidate Macron had not received the questions in advance.



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