“No criminal is going to order us what we have to do,” says the mayor of Tijuana after violent events

The mayor of Tijuana, Montserrat Caballerodescribed as “coarse expressions” his statements that criminals should collect bills from non-payers and not from citizens.

In interview with Joaquin Lopez-Doriga for Radio Formula The municipal president indicated that in no way did she intend to normalize crime and that rather “it was a question of how we speak here in the north.”

He explained that on the day of the events the organized crime attempted to impose acurfew” in Tijuana, hence she decided to speak out.

I went out to deny the curfew because no criminal is going to order us what we have to do,” he said.

Regarding the collection of bills, the mayor said she was unaware of the debts between criminal cells, while investigating the possible collusion of public servants.

He added that his message of not allowing the citizens of Tijuana to be touched might bear fruit, since there was a white balance due to homicides derived from acts of vandalism.

The situation is serious throughout the country. What is the message? I am going to protect the citizens of Tijuana, those who lost their assets with the 12 vehicles (burned), and for no reason are we going to agree with organized crime,” he stated.

Monserrat Caballero said that although it is not up to her to fight organized crime, her administration is the first responder, which is why contact has already been established with the Federal Government to reinforce security in the city.

Tijuana citizens are not going to limit or curtail our freedom and our rights. We are the first responders and we are here to tell citizens ‘you are not alone’; It’s up to all of us and we have to take responsibility, ”he concluded.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital



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