Niurka Rondón Gómez and the desire for better rights to inclusion

2023-04-20 04:20:08

Niurka always loved reading, declamatory and singing. Today she takes advantage of any opportunity to –even– show her singing skills.

Niurka, despite the fact that she is wearing dark glasses – which denote her visual limitations – always gives you a beautiful smile that expresses her joy of living in Cuban society.

“My mother has undoubtedly been a fundamental pillar in my life. Her support has been essential for everything. She; A literacy teacher, a retired teacher for generations, a faithful devotee of that paradigmatic pedagogical model of Anton S. Makarenko, she was the one who attended my classes diligently, copying them from me, even when the necessary instruments were lacking”, says this woman who dreams of belonging to some day to the union of a collective law firm, to put into practice what he studied for years.

“I am a graduate of Law Degree, in the period 2011-2012; However, my pioneering training comes from the Facultad Obrero Campesina, also inserted since 1998 in the Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired. Without the support of both, I would never have been able to fulfill that desire, not to mention my educational rehabilitation, since I was not born blind and I had to adapt little by little to the new reality”, she expresses.

Rondón has been a librarian since 2016 at the Roberto García Valdés Provincial Library in Cienfuegos, and is head of the department in the Luis Braille Special Room of that institution.

“Here in the special area of ​​the Library we work with the Hermanas Giral nursing home, where I create a space called Literary Oasis myself, as well as others in conjunction with the José Rafael Siverio Special School.

“It is important, because from this square we offer orientation, rehabilitation to people about our differential disability. I don’t like to say disability status, ”he explains.

At the same time, Niurka manages to be linked to the talks and programs of the Federation of Cuban Women, sharing her life experiences and educational ones, which are so important to overcome barriers and spread awareness in the population. “The federated union has allowed me to attend different events and above all to be included as one more woman not only in their activities, but in society. I am also a participant in the program that the FMC sponsors regarding violence against women and girls”, she says.

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Unfortunately, when it comes to rights and new job opportunities, this noble woman has encountered obstacles and a lack of understanding due to various factors. “Many of us who suffer from this limitation, when we arrive at the workplace, already stigmatize us with the idea that we are going to demand “things” to be able to acclimatize. The treatment should not be one of assistance, but rather a focus on citizen rights; of understanding and analysis in the search for possibilities to insert ourselves into the workplace without discrimination of any kind ”, she affirms.

He tells us that the best opportunities are in the hands of university students, recently graduated, even though it is well known that a person like Rondón Gómez can be waiting for a position for a long time. Ignorance and lack of understanding prevail. And so it must be declared, without ambiguity.

“There was Fidel Castro, who trusted in our potential, and if he believed in us, of course each case can be analyzed and studied for the granting of a job position or another location. It will be necessary to learn to study and socialize documents of various kinds in Braille writing in each place, for example, ”he shares.

How optimal it would be if it were extended not only to the workplaces to which this woman aspires, linked to the field of Justice, but to everyone in general. In this way, we would be reviving the Fidelista spirit and, by extension, Marti’s ideas of a freer, more democratic and accessible Cuba.

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