Nitrites/nitrates: the Government presents its action plan to reduce their use and aims to position itself at the top of the most demanding countries in the European Union

Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, and Agnès Firmin le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions to the Minister of Health and Prevention, presented on March 27 the action plan to reduce the use of nitrites in charcuterie. Between 2023 and 2024, several mass-market charcuterie products (cooked hams, bacon bits, fresh sausages, dry sausages, etc.) will see their maximum nitrite levels significantly reduced. Longer-term deadlines are also set. With this action plan, France is positioned at the top of the most demanding countries in the European Union.

On July 12, the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) published the conclusions of its scientific assessment of the risks associated with the consumption of nitrites/nitrates. At the end of its work, the health agency recommended limiting the addition of nitrites/nitrates to foodstuffs as much as possible, in order to protect consumer health. Adopting these recommendations, the Government undertook to build an action plan in association with professionals in the agri-food sector.

This action plan is now finalized. Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, and Agnès Firmin le Bodo, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Health and Prevention, presented on March 27 the major measures of the system which has just been finalized.

The action plan defines a ambitious trajectory for the reduction of nitrites and nitrates introduced in the form of additives in charcuterie products produced in France.

Three phases are planned:

  1. Immediate drops of nitro additives (from the end of April 2023): for example, cooked hams and bacon bits, which represent 50% of charcuterie products consumed in France, will see the doses of nitrated additives decrease by around 20% in the coming weeks. This reduction will be similar for dry sausages, pâtés and rillettes and even greater than 30% for fresh sausages.
  2. Short-term declines (6-12 months) : they also concern the most consumed charcuterie products in France, in particular sausages, cooked sausages, pâtés, rillettes, andouilles and andouillettes for which the reductions will be around 25%, or even more than 30% for hams by compared to the maximum levels currently in force; it is even provided for the total elimination of any nitrated additive in the sausages to be cooked at the end of this period. The time indicated will make it possible to validate the theoretical feasibility of these reductions and to check that they make it possible to control the sanitary quality, in particular microbiological, of the products concerned.
  3. In a horizon of 5 years : all the relevant scientific institutes will be mobilized for the research and development of solutions aimed at moving towards the elimination of the use of nitrites in most charcuterie products.

As a reminder, the National Health Nutrition Program recommends favoring a balanced and diversified diet with at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day of diversified origin and limiting the consumption of cold cuts to 150 grams per week for adults, which constitutes effective leverage on an individual basis.

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To find out more about the calendar, charcuterie product by charcuterie product, consult the press kit as well as the annexes of the action plan on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty.

The action plan includes a support for sectors in the modification of manufacturing processes and recipes necessary for compliance with the maximum target values.

And research and innovation plan will also be implemented from 2023, in line with the work undertaken in recent years in order to achieve the elimination of the addition of nitrites in all products where this is possible. The most widely consumed food products will be given priority.

Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

“The subject of nitrites is absolutely major because it affects the food of our fellow citizens, nutrition and more broadly society’s demand for quality food to which the Government must respond. I salute the clear and ambitious objectives defined in this plan for the benefit of the sanitary quality of French charcuterie products. The commitments made by our professionals consolidate the leadership of the “France farm” on a European and international scale. We will make sure to support the sector so that no company is left by the wayside and so that our products, which are the pride of our regions, continue to be able to develop”.

Agnès Firmin le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions to the Minister of Health and Prevention

“The health of our fellow citizens is our priority and it requires healthy, quality food. We must take full measure of the risks associated with the consumption of nitrites/nitrates. Also, I join Marc Fesneau in saluting the ambitious objectives of this plan. This is an opportunity to recall, in connection with the National Health Nutrition Program, that a moderate consumption of meat products provides effective individual protection against exposure to nitrites/nitrates. Finally, we will make sure to support consumers through information and awareness. »

Contacts presse

Press Secretariat

Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

Office of Marc Fesneau

Tel: 01 49 55 59 74


Press Secretariat

Ministry in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions

Cabinet d’Agnès Firmin Le Bodo

Tel: 01 40 56 85 17


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