Niterra do Brasil opens call for healthcare startups

Niterra do Brasil opens call for healthcare startups

2024-04-01 14:36:52

Chronic respiratory diseases, such as asthma, COPD, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis, affect millions of Brazilians and represent a significant challenge for populations of different age groups. In response to this urgent demand, Niterra do Brasil, through its New Business and Innovation Division – MOVA, in partnership with (Startup HUB of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein), is pleased to announce the launch of the Niterra Challenge – Chronic Respiratory Diseases.

Based on data from the Ministry of Health, the prevalence of COPD can reach up to 15% of the population, while asthma affects almost 25%, considering the different degrees of the disease. Despite the high incidence, tackling these diseases remains a challenge due to several factors, including delayed diagnosis, prolonged treatment and difficulties in patient engagement.

The accurate diagnosis of chronic respiratory diseases is often complicated due to the similarity between the symptoms of acute respiratory diseases, such as colds and flu, and chronic diseases. This can lead to multiple emergency room visits before a correct diagnosis is established, prolonging patient suffering and increasing treatment costs.

Furthermore, treating these conditions often requires a long-term commitment, and patient engagement tends to decline as symptoms improve, which can compromise the effectiveness of care and result in significant additional costs.

This open call aims to identify and support innovative solutions that address these challenges in an effective and sustainable way, from increasing diagnostic assertiveness and supporting medical decisions to optimizing patient journeys and anticipating complications. Among the benefits generated by participating in this Challenge is the possibility of financing the Proof of Concept and connections with the Niterra Group’s Global Innovation Centers and (Startup HUB at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein).

Health startups interested in participating are invited to send their proposals by April 19, 2024. The announcement of those selected will be announced on April 29, 2024, through the Niterra Challenge page and the MOVA and Eretz Social Networks .bio.

Brazil’s Niterra

Niterra do Brasil is a Japanese multinational in the automotive sector, globally recognized for its NGK and NTK brands, which are leaders in providing high-technology products for automotive ignition systems, being the most remembered brand in the segment. As part of its expansion strategy, the company identified the health sector as one of its priorities, especially combating chronic respiratory diseases. In Brazil, initiatives on this front are led by MOVA – New Business and Innovation Division.

The brand has been in the market for over 80 years and understood that to continue writing history it is essential to be aware of its responsibility for the future of society, therefore, MOVA, together with the company, seeks to create a sustainable business ecosystem.

The division seeks solutions that promote sustainability and are directly related to the UN’s sustainable development objectives, and with a global innovation ecosystem, operating in sectors that are the basis for living on a brighter planet with better quality. of life.

The Niterra Group already has investments in the healthcare sector across the globe, which is a great opportunity for startups that want to work with the group.

In Brazil, they are working on internalizing the commercial operation and technical assistance of one of the many global companies, the American Caire Inc., which has Oxygen Concentrator solutions, which provide a higher quality of life for people with chronic respiratory diseases.

The main objective in the medium term is to offer a portfolio of healthcare solutions that promote health for the Brazilian population.

“We believe that technological innovation can play a fundamental role in improving the diagnosis, treatment and management of chronic respiratory diseases, and we hope to receive innovative proposals that can make a difference in patients’ lives”, says Thiago Rodrigues, General Manager of New Business and Innovation.

To obtain more information regarding the regulations and access the registration form, simply access the website:


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