You are attracted to a new product or even one you already know when you see , communications and posts and you feel like trying it out or buying it. Before the message reached the target audience, however, it had come a long way. But have you ever stopped to think regarding how all this was thought, developed and disseminated? Possibly not.
For this reason, the third episode of the current season of the Nissan No Ar podcast brings two specialists in the subject to tell the details of how a campaign to publicize a product is born, takes shape and goes to computer, cell phone and TV screens, in addition to newspapers, radio and magazines.
The guests are Fábio Cotrim, marketing manager at Nissan do Brasil, and Fernando Trovões, strategic director at the Lew’ Lara/TBWA agency, who explain and comment on the backstage behind the birth of a campaign.
The third season of the Nissan No Ar podcast premiered in March with news. Among them are renewed themes, more interviews and the incorporation of video recordings in some episodes.
The format that aggregates images adds to the traditional podcast, audio, so that the listener can choose how to get in touch with what experts in technology, innovation, electro mobility, trends, among others, have to say to listeners . To see and hear anytime, anywhere.
Buckle up and enjoy, as each episode will bring a new discovery!
Listen anytime, anywhere on Nissan’s official Spotify and YouTube.
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