Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS online store eShop services will be officially closed on 3/28

As previously stated by Nintendo, it will be officially closed from 8:00 am Taiwan time on March 28.

Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS online store eShop services will be officially closed on 3/28

After closing, the purchase functions including digital version of the game, DLC content, in-game props, etc. will be closed, but the digital version of the game that the player has previously purchased can still be downloaded continuously.

Nintendo first announced last year that it would shut down the online store eShop service of Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, and banned players from recharging since August last year.

Many players are dissatisfied with Nintendo’s decision to close the eShop service of the Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS online stores. The reason is that players will not be able to purchase digital versions of Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS games that are only purchased through the eShop service. In addition, they must also face the price of second-hand physical game discs. Soaring, but unable to purchase the digital version of the game at the normal price through the eShop service.

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