Nintendo Shares A List Of 11 Things You Didn’t Know Your Switch Can Do

As has been the custom, Nintendo has shared a new guide that is very interesting Focused on first-time Nintendo Switch users in which he explains some tricks that maybe you did not know that your console could perform.

The list covers the following:

  • Bluetooth audio support
  • Find lost remotes
  • Organize your games in groups
  • Filter software by certain criteria
  • Change the button mapping of your controllers
  • Make not only captures, but also record clips
  • Everything you can do with NSO + Expansion Pack
  • The news channels of different games
  • The quick menu within programs
  • Being able to zoom in on the screen
  • Get gold points with physical games

If you want know more details of all these tricks (in English) you can do it on the official Nintendo page, down here.

What do you think? Did you know all these tricks? Do not hesitate to leave it in the comments!

Fuente: Nintendo

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