Last Thursday, February 10, Nintendo hit hard, through its traditional direct, dedicated to Switch games. Between the “in-house” productions already announced, new features with high potential and games from third-party publishers, the Kyoto firm has reassured fans and owners of Switch family consoles. Back to the line-up in question.
Switch: Nintendo puts the package on Mario Kart
Yes, Nintendo was strong last week with its Nintendo Direct. First of all thanks to three big announcements, relatively unexpected. First, the announcement of the establishment of a DLC schedule for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has generated a lot of interest. Because 48 circuits will add to the list tracks available, both locally and online. And although these are only routes already known in all the previous opuses, the fact of finding them in remastered versions is excellent news. In particular concerning the circuits offered on the mobile version of Mario Kart, which many console players do not know. For 24.99 euros, the entire pass is therefore accessible (in pre-order) with a first salvo marketed on March 18. 8 tracks to discover within a month, therefore.
Mario Strikers: A return far from lazy
Second big announcement, the return of the Mario Strikers license, on Switch. The famous Football game featuring characters from the Mario universe will be playable online. In addition, 8 players can compete locally. Not bad. Finally, the gameplay evolves in this opus thanks to the arrival of armor elements that can be mixed, in order to offer characters with their own characteristics, according to the wishes of each player. An aspect that will have to be judged on the spot but which should increase the life of the software. Released June 10 (pre-orders open).
Nintendo Switch Sports: we’re going to play…like feet!
The third important announcement concerns the return of the Wii Sports license. A game that had propelled the Wii to the top of the charts, in its time, because of the concept of motion detection, while this game was delivered as a pack with the console in question. On Switch, Nintendo Switch Sports is announced for April 29. You will find the disciplines that made the success of the first opus as well as some sports seen on the “Resort” version, as well as three new activities (Badminton, Volleyball and Football). Note that golf will be added later, via a free update. Therefore, we imagine that other sports might be integrated into the game, later, via the DLC.
Xenoblade, Fire Emblem, Splatoon 3 and more, we shoot real ammunition at Nintendo!
Let’s also mention MONOLITHSOFT’s RPG, Xenoblade Chronicles 3. A title eagerly awaited by fans of the series and which also has great potential in terms of sales. Add titles already announced and discussed during the live stream namely, Splatoon 3, Kirby and the Forgotten World (in 3D!), Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes and Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp and here we are with an impressive list of productions, all planned for this year. Knowing that potentially, Bayonetta 3, Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 and Metroid Prime 4 (there, we believe it means…) might enrich this line-up by Christmas.
In terms of surprises and/or third-party titles, this Nintendo Direct also confirmed/announced games like STAR WARS: The Force Unleashed, FRONT MISSION 1st: Remake / FRONT MISSION 2: Remake, Triangle Strategy, Klonoa 1 and 2, KINGDOM HEARTS INTEGRUM MASTERPIECE, Assassin’s Creed The Ezio Collection, No Man’s Sky (yes!!), Portal 1 and 2, CHRONO CROSS: THE RADICAL DREAMERS EDITION, EarthBound / EarthBound Beginnings or even a Mario Kart stamped Disney.
Some disappointments, however…
We can nevertheless regret the absence of categories of games such as FPS, Survival-Horror, racing or combat games. As well as an abundance of remakes/remasters, a great fashion from which no console escapes. However, the effort of Big N is to be underlined. Let’s hope that this direct will launch others, these next few months, with new announcements and more mature titles, little represented last Thursday. Stay connected…
Find all the announcements in video:
Article published on 02/20/2022 at 8:02 a.m.