Ninna e Matti in concert in Naples: the “Super Tour” promises emotions and fun – Gaeta

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Nobody and Matti: The New Superstars of the Digital World

Hold onto your virtual hats, folks! On November 3rd, the Palapartenope Of Napoli is going to erupt with the kind of enthusiasm usually reserved for football matches or, you know, the Pope dropping a surprise mixtape. This isn’t just any ordinary event; it’s the stage of the “Super Tour” featuring Nobody and Matti, two digital wizards who have captured the hearts of millions of kids and teenagers across the globe!

With over 2 million fans glued to their screens, these content creators know a thing or two about putting on a show. Emotions? Check. Unpredictability? Double-check. Fun? They practically invented it! And speaking of high-profile gigs, they even snagged a performance at the Olympic Stadium in Rome for World Children’s Day, singing for none other than Pope Francis himself. Yes, I suspect even the Vatican is now watching YouTube for daily inspiration!

Ninna and Matti: A Couple of Digital Phenomena

Nobody and Matti are not your run-of-the-mill YouTubers. They are, and I can’t stress this enough, a media phenomenon. With over 2 million subscribers raving on YouTube and another 1.1 million frolicking over on TikTok, they’ve racked up a staggering 1 billion views in less than five years. That’s not just a number; that’s a whole universe of wasted hours that could have been spent reading a book or, I don’t know, contemplating existential dread.

What’s their secret recipe? Well, a pinch of positivity, a dollop of joy, and an entire buffet of relatable content. Their videos craft a series of mini-stories that haven’t just entertained, but have also sewn together a community that’s as solid as a wooden spoon used for mixing grandma’s secret sauce. Their authentic charm and relatable friendships extend back to school days, proving that not all collaborations are born in a modern boardroom over avocado toast.

Expanding into the World of Music

And if that wasn’t enough evidence of their multi-faceted talent, let’s talk about their music! In 2023, they launched their first single “The Challenge Against Time,” and guess what? It amassed a whopping 11 million views on YouTube – in under a year! That’s not just success; that’s a seismic event in the music charts that likely caused a few minor earthquakes in the industry.

Looking ahead to 2024, they’ve got a host of five new singles lined up, including whimsical titles like “Dream” and “Color Emergency.” I don’t know about you, but I feel a spontaneous song-and-dance number coming on! And their collaboration with Stefano & Hilary on the track “Ice-cream” shows they’re not just playing in the sandbox; they’re building castles made of musical genius!

Their music is a perfect blend of energy and carefree joy, designed to attract kids faster than a piñata at a birthday party.

Commitment to Publishing and on TV

And it doesn’t stop there! Alongside their musical escapades, Nobody and Matti have published three fab books aimed at getting kids excited about reading. I mean, who doesn’t want a signed copy from two celebs who probably didn’t think “adulting” would lead to this? These volumes not only entertain but also stimulate curiosity—because nothing says creativity like seeing a child’s face light up when they pick up a book instead of a phone.

Moreover, in 2023 they made their television debut co-hosting Zecchino D’Oro, a major event that solidified their standing in both the digital and traditional entertainment realms. Talk about versatility! They’ve gone from hitting “record” to a stage full of lights, larger-than-life personalities and probably a whole lot of parents nervously checking the time!

The Super Tour: An Unmissable Event

As the Super Tour approaches, it promises not just to be an event but a full-blown family fiesta, bringing together a community of fans who glean joy and positivity from every encounter. It’s an opportunity to witness Nobody and Matti unite with their audience in hilarious, heartfelt ways. If you have a chance to catch it, you’ll definitely be part of something uniquely unforgettable!

Last updated on October 23, 2024 by Donatella Ercolano


On November 3, the Palapartenope Of Napoli will host an unmissable stage of the “Super Tour” of Nobody e Mattia couple of web stars who have managed to win the hearts of millions of children and teenagers. With beyond 2 million of fans, these content creators are preparing to give a show full of emotions, unpredictability e funaccompanied by ten dancers and performers. This occasion follows their recent international success, which occurred when Pope Francis he chose them for a very important event, singing at the Olympic Stadium Of Roma on the occasion of World Children’s Day.

Ninna and Matti: a couple of digital phenomena

Nobody e Matti I’m not just a YouTuber: I’m a real one media phenomenon. With beyond 2 million of subscribers to their channel YouTube e 1.1 million of followers up TikTokthe couple has piled on 1 billion of views in less than five years. This success is the result of their ability to entertain and involve the public through fun and compelling videos that tell their daily adventures, structured in a series of mini stories. Their message positive e joyful has been able to win the hearts of millions of children and young people, making them a constant presence on the web and beyond.

Thanks to fresh and engaging content, Nobody e Matti they managed to build one community solid and affectionate. Their authenticity and desire to convey positive values ​​are central to their narrative, making them role models for young fans. The complicity and affection that can be felt in their videos reflect their friendship, which has its roots in the past, dating back to school.

Expanding into the world of music

The versatility of Nobody e Matti is not limited to the digital world, but also extends to musica. In the 2023released their first single, “The challenge against time“, which recorded well 11 million of views on YouTube in less than a year. This success paved the way for a series of new releases in 2024with five singles on the way, including “Dream“, “Recreationology“, “Ninna Ninna“, “The Love” e “Color Emergency“. Furthermore, the collaboration with Stefano & Hilary in the song “Ice-cream” highlights their ongoing pursuit of innovation e fun.

Their approach to music reflects their communication style: full of energy, gioia e carefreecapable of attracting and involving a young audience. The ability to blend elements of visual and audio entertainment allows for Nobody e Matti to create unique and memorable experiences for their fans, making each and every one an anticipated event.

Commitment in publishing and on TV

In addition to music and social media, Nobody e Matti have also distinguished themselves in the field ofpublishing with three popular books, designed to introduce children to reading. These volumes are available in their official shop and bear their signature, offering fascinating and engaging content for young people. Commitment to literature combines with their mission to spread positive messages, stimulating children’s curiosity and imagination.

In the 2023the pair made their television debuts co-hosting it Zecchino D’Oroan event that marked an important step in their career. Participation in such a prestigious program highlighted not only their success online, but also the appreciation they enjoy in more traditional contexts. This experience helped them reach new audiences, confirming their versatility as artists.

Il tour “Super Tour” promises to be not just an entertaining event, but an opportunity to bring families together and spread a message of unit e gioiauniting the popular duo with their fans in a unique and unforgettable experience.

Last updated on October 23, 2024 by Donatella Ercolano


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