Nine tips to reduce anxiety

6.7 percent of Spaniards are affected by anxiety, according to data from the Mental Health Confederation Spain. Although the percentage does not seem very high, it supposes more than three million people in our country with this problem. Therefore, you have to know how to deal with this condition in order to overcome it. Here are some tips to achieve it:

do physical exercise

It is very beneficial, as it helps to distract you and increases the feeling of well-being. In addition, when doing sports they release endorphins, the so-called hormones of happiness, which make us feel this sensation the more intense and prolonged the training. People who exercise regularly are less likely to experience anxiety.

It enhances sleep quality

Sleep is a very important indicator of your mood. If you do not sleep well, you will be more irritable, more unfocused, you will perform less at work and everything will affect you to a greater degree. For all these reasons, it is important to have the most stable sleep schedules possible and sleep at least eight hours to be rested and avoid a possible mental imbalance.


One of the best things you can do if you feel anxiety is to disconnect. And nothing better than doing it accompanied. Go for a walk or have a drink with friends or family and organize your free time with different plans to keep you busy.

Reduce caffeine intake

Although caffeine serves to keep us awake and alert and, in many cases, make us function better at work, high doses of this alkaloid can increase anxiety levels. If you notice that when you drink coffee you get upset or nervous, stop consuming it.

No tomes alcohol

This drink has properties sedativesbut its consumption can result in a vicious circle and that, after these effects wear off, the anxiety returns and adds to the withdrawal syndrome.

try meditation

Is ancient relaxation practice It has been shown to work for many people experiencing stress and anxiety. There are many explanatory videos and podcasts to help you if you have never practiced it.

Listen to music

Especially if it is relaxing music, since it usually helps to disconnect. Also, the sound of nature – the waves, the trees or the animals in their habitat – also have calming effects.

Take herbal products

Some herbal products may be beneficial in mitigating the effects of anxiety. They can be from the most typical –chamomile, valerian, lavender, or passionflower– to others less known but just as effective –kava, ashwagandha or tempazcolole–.

Go to the doctor

If this sensation persists over time and you are not able to alleviate it by following these tips, it is advisable to see a specialist. The will diagnose you and will make specific recommendations for your case.

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