Nine injured when a barn bridge fell down in Lierne in Trøndelag

The emergency services were notified of the incident at 11.55am.

– The emergency services respond to a report of a barn bridge that has fallen down. There are supposed to be four people injured at the scene, writes operations manager Tobias Liaklev Andersen in Trøndelag police district in the police log.

An hour later, the police state that the number of injured is nine. No one is life-threateningly injured, but several are considered to be seriously injured. The incident happened in connection with a performance where several people stayed on a barn bridge.

He says it is about elderly people, but that none of them should be critically injured according to information they have received.

– Two of the injured were under the bridge when it collapsed. The other seven were upstairs. Several of them were flown to hospital by rescue helicopter, while others were sent by ambulance.

The incident occurred in connection with the open-air theater Pe-Torsa in Kvelia, and the accident is said to have occurred during a break in the performance, writes Adresseavisen.

– The accident site is right by the Swedish border, and it took time to drive there. We didn’t arrive until around 1pm, Andersen tells NTB.

He adds that a Swedish ambulance was on the scene around 12:30.

#injured #barn #bridge #fell #Lierne #Trøndelag
2024-08-25 17:39:14



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