A 24-year-old man suffered an open wound to his chin following being struck by a Chevrolet Corsa vehicle. It happened this Tuesday in Puerto Ordaz.
In three days, nine people have suffered traffic accidents in Ciudad Guayana.
The Bolívar Emergency Room (Saem Bolívar) has published on its Instagram account details regarding these crashes registered between Sunday and Tuesday, for which most of the patients have suffered polytrauma and serious injuries.
The director of the institution, Commissioner Elías Trujillo, revealed that despite the fact that the figures and balances of accident analysis are internal to the state government, by providing care to the injured, it has been possible to show that “the statistics are close to the average limit monthly”.
Citizens have expressed their concern regarding the cases of recurring accidents on Guayana, Paseo Caroní, Guarapiche avenues and other highways in the city, but they attribute it mainly to “the bad roads in Puerto Ordaz (…), there are sharp curves ; It is not regarding blaming, it is regarding making a call”.
Another Guayacitano pointed out that “it is not so much the state of the roads, some curves are poorly made from the beginning; In the curve near the Manuel Carlos Piar airport, many accidents have taken place and unfortunately this last one has been one of the worst, if not the worst,” he lamented, referring to the vehicle rollover that occurred this Sunday on Paseo Caroní, for which two women They are under medical observation with fractures and a 20-year-old man lost his life.
A 24-year-old motorized delivery man was injured following being hit by a vehicle in Puerto Ordaz.
The incident occurred on Guarapiche avenue, adjacent to the Atlántico shopping center.
Witnesses to the event reported that the young man suffered an open wound on his chin, following being hit by a Chevrolet Corsa vehicle.
Commissions of Caroní Firefighters, Uneg Firefighters and officials of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) appeared at the site.
It was learned that the patient was identified as Jorge Herrera, and due to the trauma he presented, the paramedics of the Bolívar Emergency Room (Saem Bolívar) provided him with pre-hospital care and transferred him to the Uyapar hospital in Alta Vista Sur.
However, Herrera requested that he be taken to the Hospital Clínico de los Trabajadores de Guayana, because he claimed to be a worker at the Siderúrgica del Orinoco Alfredo Maneiro (Sidor).
What’s up in December
The Bolívar Emergency Room (Saem Bolívar) recorded five traffic accidents that occurred in a period of six days, that is, less than a week.
In total, 12 patients have been treated, including children and the elderly.