Artis Nikita Mirzani (NM) was detained by the Serang District Attorney in a case of alleged defamation. KPAI said that with the detention, the issue of transferring the care of Nikita’s three children arose.
“Of course this situation forces NM to transfer parenting. Of course, the ideal is someone who is usually trusted by the child, and has indeed known the condition of the child since childhood. But of course there are considerations from NM’s family so that the child gets his best interest,” said the Head of the Supervision Division, Monitoring and Evaluation (Kadivwasmonev) of KPAI Jasra Putra in the information received detik.comThursday (27/10/2022).
Jasra said, in the Child Protection Act and the Child Care Regulations, efforts to transfer care can be carried out by paying attention to the third degree in the blood family (kindship care). However, according to him, if the child already has the care assigned by NM, it will be his replacement (foster care existing).
“KPAI reminded that NM’s detention by the prosecutor’s office left problems for his children. As is known, NM has 3 children, each of which has different parents. Of course there are psychological aspects that children will face in the future, but this is part of the correctional process that I am concerned regarding. I think it has been regulated separately by the Director General of Corrections at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights,” he said.
In addition, Jasra hopes that all parties, including netizen does not involve children Nikita Mirzani in this case. Because, according to him, Nikita Mirzani is quite active on social media.
“The Child Protection Law asks all parties not to involve children in adult conflicts, for various considerations. Maybe today children don’t get a direct stigma, but as they grow up, especially since their mothers are very active on social media and choose satirical issues, of course the digital footprint will carried away as children grow and develop. They have the right to be protected and avoided from bad situations following NM was arrested. Because they have rights for the future, “he said.
Furthermore, Jasra also warned of the possibility of having children Nikita Mirzani will be invited by the broadcast program. He reminded regarding the endurance of children in public.
“Of course, it is often unavoidable, because it has become a viral industry, NM’s children can be invited to broadcast programs. Especially if NM allows to voice their mother’s situation from detention,” he said.
“Children’s voices, of course, need to be heard, especially if children already have social media accounts, have their own management, they have the right to express their opinions. But the public must remember how to endure children openly in public, of course there are limitations. How do children consider This, of course, requires a long education. This results in children not thinking regarding risk factors, because they only think regarding what they see and understand, even though the world of social media is very broad,” he continued.
Also watch the video ‘Nikita Mirzani’s Party Proposes Detention Suspension’:
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