“Nightmare scenarios” in the Old Slaughterhouses PHOTOS

“Nightmare scenarios” in the Old Slaughterhouses PHOTOS

With the presentation by the Theater Stage “Outside the Plan”, the play signed by Thanasis Triaridis, which has as its starting point the Nazi expansionist theory of the Living Space (Lebensraum) and the nightmarish scenarios of today, continued on the evening of Sunday, September 1 at ” Old Slaughterhouses” of Patras, the section of the Amateur Theater Festival.

“Nightmare scenarios” in the Old Slaughterhouses PHOTOS Festival

The fans of the amateur theater scene watched a performance – an experiment… that abolished the boundaries between the actors and the audience, between innocence and guilt, between comedy and thriller, between truth and lies.
A work which at the same time raised the “question” whether the viewer wants to take part in a (not necessarily theatrical) experiment. To what extent does he want to find out the limits and endurance of his mind, to see if he will throw himself into the experiment or if he will stop it.

Festival Festival Festival

The performance was attended by the deputy mayor of Urban Planning and Construction and Municipal Units of Messatida, Paralia and Vrachneika Anastasia Togiopoulou, municipal and district councilors. Kostas Tzouramanis, a member of the committee of the Amateur Theater Festival, gave a foreword.

INTERPRETED: Eleni Bleta and Sifis Mantadakis.

Festival Festival

Admission to all performances of the Amateur Theater Festival is free.

#Nightmare #scenarios #Slaughterhouses #PHOTOS



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