Nightmare at Hyères Hospital: Patient’s Tragic Experience and Hope for Change

2024-01-15 09:08:00

“The doctor told me to go home, that it wasn’t serious, even though I was writhing in pain…”

At the beginning of November, going to the emergency room at the Hyères public hospital turned into a nightmare for Rémi M., 73 years old. Not because of waiting 9 hours on a stretcher in a corridor, “while the service did not seem overwhelmed”. Nor the little attention that was paid to him, while he asked “a glass of water and a blanket” to regulate his fever. Worse: “Despite my symptoms of peritonitis, no one had the idea of ​​giving me a CT scan”. What saved him? A disaster operation… in Marseille, 24 hours later.

Rémi M., who put together a file, did not think of publicizing his story, which we are revealing. Until discovering one similar, on certain points: that of Lucas, 25, who died of septic shock in the same emergency room in Hyères, a month earlier. Under conditions that the courts will have to determine: a complaint has been filed for “failure to support”.

His family also called on the Ministry of Health to ensure that such a tragedy “never happen again”. For his part, Rémi M. contacted the lawyer in charge of the case, Mr. Thomas Callen, and is “at the disposal of investigators”.

It’s up to him to manage

For this septuagenarian patient, it all started the day before his arrival at Hyères hospital. “I had almost 40 fever and abdominal pain on the right, recalls this former hypermarket director. I thought it would pass. But the next day at 8 a.m., when I went to the emergency room with my wife, I felt like things weren’t going well. I was in a pitiful state.”

On site, two nurses placed a catheter, took blood and performed a urine analysis. They also give him a Doliprane tablet and a Spasfon. Then nothing, until… 5 p.m.

“I had to wait for another patient to leave to get her coverage”

“I was shivering but they told me to copelaments the man who co-founded the Five Continents Jazz Festival. I had to wait for another patient to leave to get her coverage.”.

During this time, he tried to involve his attending physician and members of his family, for which he was criticized by hospital staff.

Rémi M., says he spent 9 hours lying on a stretcher in a corridor of Hyères hospital, without being seen by a doctor. Photo DR.

At the end of the day, Rémy M. gets up “painfully” to ask “if there is a problem” two internal. Thirty minutes later, the doctor gave him a prescription (which we were able to consult), indicating “paracetamol” et “trimebutine”, an antispasmodic. “Without having either felt or examined me”he specifies.

A late operation in Marseille

There follows a “horrible night, not sleeping”. “On a scale of 1 to 10, I had pain peaks at 10”continues Rémi M..

In the early morning, he immediately went to the Timone hospital in Marseille, where his nephew, an emergency doctor, advised him to go. There, a scanner can detect “an infection as big as an egg”. Before being operated on for “breakthrough peritonitis”. Late, this intervention led to complications two weeks later, with an infusion of antibiotics. A lesser evil. “Within a few hours, it could have turned into sepsis, underlines Rémi M.. And be fatal to me. As for Lucas…”

When contacted, the management of the Hyères public hospital did not wish to comment on the treatment of this patient. “in accordance with respect for medical confidentiality”.

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