Nightclubs, bars, transport… Everything that changes this Wednesday

An air of freedom is blowing across France. This Wednesday, further reductions in health restrictions are planned, affecting in particular the event and transport sector. With the resumption of nightlife and a certain form of independence in collective spaces, we take stock of this new step in the direction of an epidemic situation which is improving day by day.

Reopening of nightclubs

From this Wednesday, dancing in a disco will once more be allowed in France. The latter, which hopes to approach the end of the fifth wave following the surge linked to the Omicron variant, will allow these establishments closed since December 10 to welcome the party once more.

Wearing a mask inside will not be compulsory but it will remain recommended for customers and staff within establishments, according to the protocol published by the government on Wednesday. ” Then we dance ! “, even launched Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne. The Minister Delegate for Tourism praised the “professionalism and seriousness of the nightlife (…) pioneer in the control of the health pass and the reconciliation with the identity document of the holder of the pass”.

Standing concerts allowed

Other good news from this lifting of restrictions, the concert halls will once once more be able to accommodate standing audiences this evening. Since January 3, these were prohibited and a gauge had been put in place for large gatherings. A decision that had serious consequences with many postponements of concerts and tours.

Authorization to drink and eat in stadiums, cinemas and transport

To your triangle sandwiches! From today, it’s the return of snacks in public transport but also popcorn in dark rooms. The consumption of food and drink is once once more authorized in cinemas, in TGVs but also in stadiums following having also been banned on January 3.

Consumption standing up in bars

What might be sadder than toasting while sitting in a harbor without music? Dry your tears all this is behind you. From this evening, standing consumption will once more be authorized in bars. And as news never comes alone, the coffee counters, too, can welcome you for an espresso and reading your
20 Minutes.

And in fifteen days?

Invited to our colleagues from franceinfo this Wednesday, Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, took stock of the health situation in France and drew up a rather positive assessment, tending towards an imminent exit from the crisis. Olivier Véran even considered ending the wearing of masks indoors for adults and children “in mid-March”, as well as a reduction in the vaccination pass on this date, if the circulation of the virus is “very low”.

Thanks to a “very markedly improved” health situation, the government has also already announced that the health protocol will go back from level 3 to level 2 in primary schools when the different areas return from the winter holidays, i.e. from February 21 for the zone B to March 7 for zone C. This will mean the end of the wearing of masks in the playground in elementary schools and an easing of the rules for mixing students.

In addition, from February 28, wearing a mask will no longer be compulsory in closed places subject to the vaccination pass, such as bars, restaurants, museums or even cinemas. However, it will remain mandatory in transport. Finally, following this February stage, will come that of March, where pots in companies might resume, according to a new version of the health protocol at work, the publication of which is expected on Friday. We hold the right end !



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