Night of youth culture in 95 cities in North Rhine-Westphalia | nmz

Dancing, rapping, gaming: for one night, the stage in many places in North Rhine-Westphalia belongs to youth culture. The “Night Frequency” format is intended to connect and celebrate differences.

Dance battles, poetry slams or cosplay meetings: At the weekend, young people in 95 cities in North Rhine-Westphalia help organize the night of youth culture. There are concerts, workshops and parties by and for young people at more than 160 venues – from parking garages to museums or cultural centers.

In total, more than 300 cultural events are on the program for the 15th edition of the “Nachtfrequent” format – some start on Friday, most of them on Saturday, others on Sunday. What all projects have in common is that they are about listening and participating, as well as trying things out and celebrating differences, said the organizer, the North Rhine-Westphalia State Association for Cultural Youth Work.

Offers in big and small cities

Large cities like Düsseldorf and Dortmund are participating with a variety of offers – from the hip-hop session in the youth center to the upcycling workshop to the gaming night. Anyone who wants to combine several night-time offers in the state capital on Saturday can join a bike tour.

There is also a program in many smaller cities: At a pixel party in Minden, gaming enthusiasts can, for example, gamble in the open air or play Tetris on a house wall. At the youth art school in Gladbeck, teenagers can take on the role of agents and spies in a workshop. In Kamp-Lintfort, a cosplay costume competition is intended to attract young anime and manga enthusiasts in dazzling outfits. In Kerpen, youth culture is sporty: the long basketball night takes place there.



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