This national event is initiated by the Syndicate of conservatory management staff.
The Night of the famous conservatories creativity, diversity and dynamism of all establishments, public or associative. Their missions? Raise awareness, train amateurs and professionals, broadcast live shows and support all artistic practices.
The program in Lille
The facade of the Conservatoire as well as an orchestra of trumpets will be highlighted, Concert Square from 7 p.m.
Concert Square, 7:10 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Three Dances of Terpsichore
klezmer music
Clarinet ensembles and Klezmer’veilles trio / violin, accordion, clarinet.
Video presentation projects developed around dance and collective musical creation
Auditorium – Access via the Place du concert entrance, 7:30 p.m. to 8:40 p.m.
Excerpts from ScheherazadeNicolaï Rimsky Korsakov
flute quartet
Auditorium – Place du Concert entrance, 8:45 p.m.
Concert tribute to Michel Legrandin music and in pictures
Classes in jazz, singing, piano, arrangement and chamber music, and in partnership with the Ecole Supérieure Musique et Danse – Hauts-de-France – Lille
Free admission, on reservation.
1st floor – Place du Concert entrance, 7:30 p.m. to 8:40 p.m.
The Pastoral, Eric Ewazen | Trombones and piano
The Howl’s Moving Castle, Joe Hisaishi, Miyazaki | Flutes and cello
Two Interludes, Jacques Ibert | flute, violin, harp
1st and 2nd movements of Quartet No. 8, Dmitry Shostakovich | Violins, viola, cello
Walking, Stephane Schäffer | double bass duo
Victorious love, Giovanni Gastoldi | Flutes
Room for 3 or 5 crossbars
The Type writer – Forgotten Dreams – The Waltzing C at, Leroy Anderson
String Quartet | violins, viola, cello
Useful information
Free and free access from 7 p.m.
Reservation on for the concert-tribute to Michel Legrand only.